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Backyard ponds and water garden ideas – 31 examples

Water is the only element in nature that can take on different structures: liquid, solid, gaseous and, thanks to its adaptability, common in our lives. There is no being on this earth who can live without water, one reason why this great element is so present in our lives. In addition to this important role, water is also an element of decoration, especially in any garden, especially if there are fountains or backyard ponds.

You can create a calm ocean or an angry ocean in your small yard, and all of this is possible if you take inspiration from these water garden ideas. This should be your place of thought and relaxation, a place where you can blend in with nature and feel as pure as a flower or a butterfly. Flowers, trees, stones and small rivers or small ponds complete your garden design.

Water garden designs should be as pure as small parts of the sky and appear like an extension of the house, not something entirely different with no common ground. As Feng Shui teaches us, an element as volatile as water should always be in combination with a strong piece like stone to maintain balance in nature.

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