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Corner bunk beds

Corner bunk beds

Corner bunk beds are perfect if two siblings are to be accommodated in the same room. With two superimposed lying surfaces these models also require significantly less floor space than two single beds, so you can optimally use the remaining free space. Sturdy superstructures made of high-quality materials ensure a safe sleep for your offspring – on both floors.

Space-saving bed solutions over the corner with two lying areas: Corner bunk beds

Small rooms, practical room layout and flexible usage options – the reasons for placing a bunk bed in the corner are many. Especially in the nursery, it makes sense to get as much free space as possible in order to be able to offer the children room to play and run around. Especially when siblings share space, ordinary bedsteads often reach their limits.

Further information about corner bunk beds

In such a case, bunk beds represent a sensible way out: Thanks to the optimum use of the room height, such a bed takes up little more space than a conventional single bed solution. With two sleeping places, you as a parent are also prepared for spontaneous overnight guests. Mounted on the corner, there is also an open space under the upper sleeping level, which can be equipped as an additional storage space with chests of drawers, shelves and Co.

Partly,  bunk beds can also be converted over corner and can be positioned as two normal single beds in the room – extremely convenient, if siblings in separate children’s room move or a bed should be used as a place to stay for guests. Especially clever: We also offer corner bunk beds, which have a reclining sofa instead of a lower lying area, which can be converted into a comfortable sleeping place with just a few simple steps. So you are very flexible and have the right bed ready in every situation.