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Arabic interior design, decor, ideas and photos

Arabic interior design, decor, ideas and photos

The Arabic interior design does its best to create an atmosphere of mysticism, fantasy and incomparable luxury. Either you are looking for an Arabic themed party for your apartment or you just want to furnish your Arabic living room, there is always a charming idea to be inspired in this area.

Few design styles can match the ability of Arabic decor to turn an otherwise boring space into an opulent retreat by using layers of color and texture to create a magical effect. The Middle Eastern decorations can change an environment dramatically.

You can let go of your inner designer and use whatever luxurious element you want to add to a room, especially if you are considering a Moroccan decor

If you want to wrap yourself up in the luxury of an Arabic night theme, you can’t go wrong with Arabic interior design.

Regardless of whether you choose this design theme for a room in your home, for example by installing a Moroccan bed frame or an entire floor following the rules of Arabic interior design, it is easy to create a complete and cohesive Arabic-inspired design these days thanks to an Variety of online stores that have everything you need. Including if you want something as specific as Aladdin decorations

Arabic style textiles, furniture, wallpaper, carpets and lanterns are very easy to come by and create your own Middle Eastern interior design settings. Once you’ve decided on the color scheme, building this magical Arabic and Arabic decor retreat in your home should be a breeze.

Arabian interior design influences

influences Arabic interior design, decor, ideas and photos

Arab living culture and interior design has evolved over the centuries, combining influences from Islamic decor and architecture with ideas from the surrounding Mediterranean area. There are clear signs of Greek, Italian, Spanish and French influences in the style, all of which are fused into an opulent and exotic blend, of which the Moroccan interior design is a prime example.

Moroccan decoration ideas and Turkish interior design are perhaps the most famous examples of Arabic interior design, romanticized and made famous through films and television. However, there are variations that range from rustic and simple Bedouin-style décor to elaborate, multi-layered design that evokes images of legends of the “Arabian Nights” and Arabian party decorations. The modern Arabic interior design is quite minimalist indeed. But it didn’t catch on as well. When you think of Arabic interior design, you still imagine the extravagantly great version and the classic Arabic night setting.

The bold use of color is what stands out most when it comes to Arabic influenced decoration and Arabic decoration in general. The tones are generally earthy, with plenty of red, gold, ocher, and oranges being used. The walls, floors, furniture and art – everything adds deep color to the space.

Furniture with an Arabic interior design is usually artfully carved and the lights are heavily decorated. Metallic elements are an integral part of Arabic home decor, with gold dominating the theme. And textiles with countless patterns and textures are used generously to provide the Arabian region with lush style.

Guiding principles

Guiding Principles1 Arabic interior design, decor, ideas and photos

Image source: biggiebeil

You don’t have to hold back when implementing Arabic design ideas either for the home or just for a Middle East themed party.

With luxurious chandeliers, mesmerizing lanterns, Arabic-style curtains, ornate tapestries, rich carpets, soft window treatments, extravagant furniture, layers of textured fabrics, and a lavish use of gold accents, you can indulge in the most imaginative decorative visions.

However, there are a few guidelines to keep in mind when putting your Arabic-themed interior design inspiration into practice:


Color Arabic interior design, decor, ideas and photos

Think warm and luxurious. Mix the shades on the warm side of the color wheel. Warm, neutral and concentrated colors are used generously. An accent wall in burnt orange or deep Moroccan red really enlivens the space. Often one or two walls are textured to arouse interest. This look can be achieved with either textured paint or wallpaper and creates a unique feel, especially if you want to set up a Moroccan bedroom.

And the color isn’t just limited to the walls. Bright carpets, upholstery, pillows, cushions and curtains bring colorful energy into space. Plush plum, deep chocolate, glittering gold, happy coral, rich rust, eggplant, cinnamon, navy, olive, wheat, purple, curry and any other opulent color imaginable can be used without a second thought. It is what makes any Moroccan themed room unforgettable.


Walls-2 Arabic interior design, decor, ideas and photos

Walls-1 Arabic interior design, decor, ideas and photos

These surfaces really set the tone of the entire room in Arabic design, especially when looking at the living environment in Arabic style. Color remains the easiest way to highlight a wall and is easy to combine with simple furniture, such as an Arabic style sofa.

Moroccan patterned wallpaper is easily available in most corners of the world these days. Arabic wallpaper can work wonders, add depth, and turn that part of the room into a focal point.

However, paint and wallpaper are not the only wall embellishments in Arabic decorations and designs. Arabesque shelves on a wall or just a special Moroccan headboard also create interest and offer additional storage space.


Textiles2 Arabic interior design, decor, ideas and photos

Textile Arabic interior design, decor, ideas and photos

This is the element that steals the show in Arabic decor, and you can hardly imagine a classic Moroccan room without it. Using layers of luxurious fabrics, textures, colors, and patterns is essential.

This is done with heavy curtains, tapestries, soft Persian carpets, rich upholstery, floor pillows, pillows, pillows, throws and hall runners spread out on a Moroccan bed. Your Arabic night decorations can be recreated very easily.

Splendor and richness are the secrets to bringing an opulent effect to any Arabic night theme. They are introduced with shiny silks, satin, velvet and cashmere. Woven wool carpets ground the room.

Fringes and tassels on pillows and tiebacks for curtains add extra attention. Window treatments with cascades, swags, jabots, scarf saddle pads and patterned pelmets bring every corner of the Moroccan room to life.

Furniture in Arabic decor

Furniture Arabic interior design, decor, ideas and photos

In contrast to the western world, seating was not a real element of Arab furnishings until a few decades ago. The Arab seating was usually on floor cushions, low benches, or platforms.

Food and drink were usually served on brass or Copper shells with fold-out supports. But since then, top-class seating has been introduced that is never missing in the decorating ideas of Arabian nights these days.

The furniture that is typical of Arabic room decoration is usually made of wood and artfully carved with abstract or geometric patterns. Some of the more extravagant pieces of furniture have patterns of walnut, rosewood, lemon wood, peach wood, or iridescent mother-of-pearl.

Arab-style furniture, in addition to chairs and sofas, generally includes small polygonal side tables, room dividers, carved doors, stands, and Koran boxes.


Accents Arabic interior design, decor, ideas and photos

Metal is the star when it comes to decorating an Arabic-inspired room with special accents and planning the general Arabic house design. Interesting Moroccan samovars and accompanying tea sets, inlays and gold-plated accent pieces come to the fore.

Other popular accessories for Arab interior design are Turkish decanters made of porcelain, curiosities inlaid with glass, precious stones or mother-of-pearl. Metal or wooden boxes, metal tables, stools, mirrors and benches never look out of place.


An eye-catching and elaborate chandelier is always the focus of Arabic design, especially when it comes to it Moroccan decoration. You should be as big and brave as the size of the room allows. Lattice lanterns made of metal, hanging from the ceiling or placed on the floor or on tables, add charm and mystique to the room and are an addition, especially in the case of the Moroccan themed bedroom.

The patterned points of light and shadow that these lanterns cast around them make every room look wonderfully intimate. The main lighting should ideally be on dimmers so that you can set the mood depending on the occasion. Candles are also used liberally, as is the Genie lamp balloon. Between the lanterns, low electric lights, and candles, the space feels magical and muggy.

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