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Creating a French Joli Country Bedroom

Creating a French Joli Country Bedroom

Country French is a decoration trend that never seems to go out of style. This is likely due to the fact that the country’s French decor reflects personal tastes, accumulated appeal and, of course, the history of centuries. Because the look combines trends worth centuries, it’s not difficult to achieve.

Feel free to mix and match polished patina, rusty furniture, fine and rough textures, old and new world fixtures, and sparkling chandeliers for a cohesive and charming look. What makes a room clearly French are of course the restrained but elegant color tones, the feminine accents and similar, French-inspired foundations.

If you’re looking to create a country French bedroom, use these tips to incorporate these elements and bring your own take on country French décor to life.

Choosing the right color palette

countryfrench Creating a French Joli Country Bedroom

The only rule in choosing the right color palette for your bedroom is to keep it understated.

That said, while the appearance of the room should be soft, the colors you use don’t necessarily have to be. Typical color combinations used to bring this trend to life are black and white, light blue and white, soft yellow and brown, white and dove gray, cream and ivory, and white with vibrant hues like blue green or Egyptian blue. Houzz There are pages of color combinations you can read through to get an idea of ​​your unique French country style.

Choosing the right furniture

A country chic bedroom is not complete without one French provincial bed, a distressed closet and matching jewelry holder and bedside tables, vintage reading chairs, a bench, a chest and a dressing screen. Each of these elements, if carefully selected, can create a distinctly French look that colors alone cannot.

Remember that a single piece of French furniture is not enough to bring out the French provincial look. The French headboard is popular all over the world.

It is so popular in fact that most bed frames are designed after it. If you only built in one headboard, your bedroom wouldn’t look any different from millions of others around the world. To really make a point, consider three, if not more, provincial elements.


French Country Creating a Joli Country French Bedroom

Once you’ve chosen your color palette and furniture, it’s time to bring it all together with the right accents. Think pillows, rugs, window grilles, bird cages, chandeliers, jugs, old perfume bottles, vintage paintings, family heirlooms, and everything in between.

Better houses & gardens Explains how to use patterns, lace, trimmings, and window fittings to add dimension without making a room feel clunky or over the top.

The proverbial French or “Country French” style is popular for good reason. It’s easy to get to as it doesn’t have a lot of rules and can be extremely affordable depending on where you shop. When you’re ready to create a lovely, unique, and inviting French bedroom in the country, use the tips provided in this article. You won’t be disappointed with the results.