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Orange interior design ideas for every season

Orange interior design ideas for every season

A shot of warmth is never too much for your home, is it? How many orange elements are there in your design list? Orange isn’t just the ‘fall color’, or at some point around Halloween there will be a tone that you will remember.

The good feeling of being surrounded by leaves or shiny pumpkins can be present at any time of the year! In addition, the color is gaining popularity in all areas of design and is increasingly appearing in magazines and catalogs.

So think between orange, tangerine or rustic and give your place a particularly inviting atmosphere. It’s time to learn how to use orange in your interior.

Start with the outside area

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Orange interior design ideas are relatively brave which is why most of the people give up on them. If you’re not sure if orange is the right color for you, start outdoors and let the coolest orange ideas you have come up against.

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Remember that orange has an energetic and living nature and therefore should be applied in places where a lot of activity is expected. In large areas it can be too overwhelming. So better start with catchy details (pillows, Chinese lanterns, etc.).

Better still, you’re dealing with a natural color, which means you don’t have to paint anything to get an orange look.

You can buy fresh fruits and vegetables (oranges, carrots, squash, squash, etc.) or decorate them with an inviting basket full of earthy leaves. Another good idea is to put autumn garlands and decorative wreaths on your door to make visitors feel welcome from the first moment.

An accent wall in the living room

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The best way to apply orange is to use it as an accent color for your reception location (such as a chimney breast). The use of orange in a predominantly white living space creates liveliness and a positive atmosphere.

In a room bathed in natural light, Orange can even work on more than a single accent wall. You just have to be creative and experiment with this amazing color.

Orange in the focus of your topic

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Who said theme rooms weren’t in vogue? In fact, they have never been so popular! Orange is a good shade for an earthy theme, especially if you’re trying to add a southwestern tariff or tropical breeze with deep blue hues.

The ‘orange’ statement

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Orange is the color of courageous and stylish people who like to think outside the box. We’re talking about enthusiasts who are not afraid to buy a bold piece of furniture with a flashy color, or of those who find anything but a playful palette to be boring and monotonous.

Orange is a central choice that is likely to spark the spirit of the room’s residents, and it can be used in modest ways without making the decor look over the top. As I said, it can be an entire wall (or two) or a simple rug, pillow, or piece of art.

Orange in the service of the right lighting

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Bright and glossy orange is a good choice for places with no natural light scattering. Wherever it is used, Orange creates a positive environment in which you can both work and relax.

Large orange areas reduce the hassle of integrating lights and you only need a single chandelier.

A vintage setting

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If you want a retro or vintage setting in your home, you have an ideal setting to achieve it. Orange is cut just for this purpose and can create the same effect in any room. Plus, the process is pretty straightforward: you’d need mod plastic chairs from the 60s or at least some armchairs from the 70s if you can’t find these.

The setting can be enhanced with shaggy carpets, floral prints and decals, or festive plastic lamps. and the must-have ’70s wall art for an even stronger theme.

Kitchen imagination

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The first association most people have with orange is that it’s a loud and overwhelming color. While this stands for specific tones, in general, orange can be perfect for areas that have the “loud side” and require energy and imagination.

If you could imagine one room at home that actually needed this, it would be the kitchen. You can either make it flashy orange to inspire the chef in you. or to keep the overall scheme subtle with just a few orange accents (seating, lights, etc.).

Twin tones

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Orange is very strong, which doesn’t mean it can’t stand any other warm color nearby. Brave designers tried the trick long ago and found that bright colors work very well together. That’s why orange looks perfect alongside yellow or red when you put it on a capital E (e.g. walls).

What you need to know is to coordinate the tones, which means medium orange walls can handle scorched red ceilings, for example. If you’re not sure, stick with bold colors on small details like upholstery or accessories.

Complementary pallets

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Have you considered using complementary color schemes? It means going straight to the other side of the palette and choosing the most contrasting color you possibly can.

In the case of orange, that’s blue, and the two are great for energizing environments and objects (remember the logos of famous sports teams?).

Given the contrast between them, they must be treated with care. There is a matching shade for every shade of orange (e.g. bright orange with turquoise blue).

Orange can change the size of the storage space

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Orange can make a large, open space appear smaller or larger than it actually is. Thanks to this color, it creates the feeling that the whole room is connected or that there are two separate parts that have completely different purposes (for example, a living room and a dining room).

This means that it can be used both as a mixing connector and as a strict, contrasting separator.

Choose the right shade

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Orange comes in so many colors and styles that it is almost impossible to find the one that suits you best.

A common guideline to follow is to use burnt and darker tones or gold patterns in rooms that need a relaxing ambience (bedrooms) while the most lively ones will suit busy places where you do most of your activities (living room , Offices, etc.)).

Orange and creativity

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You wouldn’t believe how connected these two are. Orange is so strong that it activates the mind and orientates the eyes to search for ideas. It’s a great choice for offices and children’s playrooms, which makes it pretty clear what an impact it could have on our moods.

Demanding places look amazing with mid-tones or deep pumpkin orange. while youthful areas use more lively and fun tones. Plus, orange pairs well with any strong color, meaning it’s a feminine and masculine color at the same time.

Orange … and even more orange!

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Most of the time, orange is the accent color in your room, but that doesn’t mean you should limit it to just one surface.

In fact, a single orange element doesn’t really tell if orange goes with the rest of the decor or not. Of course, we’re not saying that you should use too much of it, but rather to remind people of your statement in a few corners.

For example, you can combine the set of smooth orange pillows with a cute vase, rug or piece of art. The choice is simply unlimited.

A mood changer

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Orange mixes red and yellow together, which means that it takes over the warm and welcoming keywords from both and makes a place very pleasant.

It is an energetic mood shifter, especially if you are using more than one tone that will appear on more than one element. Are you ready to create a “magical space” that will make everyone inside happy? Choose orange for your home decor and make it happen!