One of the best design hacks to make the vertically challenged space gorgeous is using low bunk beds. If your ceilings are too low to make your small bedroom seem a little cramped, this article is for you. Ceilings are an essential part of any room as they create a sense of freedom and extra height.
Fortunately, low bunk beds can work magically by maximizing every inch of your floor space. They allow you to maximize your ceiling height without sacrificing style.
In a room with 7 foot ceilings, we recommend bunk beds with the highest height of 60 inches. We have put together a nice selection here Bunk beds between 50-60 inches. This means that most 8 foot ceilings will give you the space you need. Join us in discovering these 20 ideas for low bunk beds that will take you to the next level with low ceilings.
Would you like to overcome the low ceiling to the fullest? Invest in furniture that is inconspicuous and gives it its all in the warehouse department. Below is a bunk bed that is perfect for children’s rooms. It has multiple storages that are important if all of your things didn’t fit.
One of the problems that you often run into with bunk beds is that ladder takes up unnecessary space. And bunk beds often go into small rooms.
Then this wooden bunk bed might suit you well. It has a straight ladder that doesn’t take up much space and it will maximize weird nooks and crannies of your space.
This inspiration for bunk beds shows intelligent use of space and functionality. It contains storage space on the stairs and an additional pull-out bed for the 3rd person. This option is ideal for people who want to maneuver nooks and crannies with ease.
For a particularly tight space, a pull-out bed can be the answer for you. With this idea you can use every square inch of your space vertically and horizontally. It has built-in safety metal guardrails and a perfect height to capture your low ceiling.
The easy pull-out bed can be stowed away to keep your room neat and spacious.
Visual clutter lowers the ceilings. Try removing extra details or pieces of furniture. Choose a simple bunk bed design that allows for a wide view and use whatever storage space you have!
Sleek, modern design is equally suitable for rooms with low heights.
Are you furnishing a child’s room with low ceilings?
Try this bunk bed with two over two school buses! It is the perfect place for your children to relax and sleep. The upper bed has full guardrails with a built-in ladder for added security.
Another fantastic low bunk bed that beats the low ceiling and storage problems.
Foils are guaranteed to give every child’s room an immediate cooling factor. Think of it as an indoor playground. Ideal for smaller rooms and bring the fun atmosphere into your children’s room without overwhelming your room.
A simple but elegant variant of a low bunk bed with an angled ladder. This is another great option if you have concerns about security access and height.
Plain white with a vertical louvre bed frame creates a cleaner and more open space for your low-ceilinged room.
This elegant bunk bed design fits even in the smallest of spaces. Straight ladders on the side are a great way to maximize space. While the steps are wide enough to provide a good grip.
This smart twin over a bunk bed can solve the problem of two old age children sharing a room.
This definitely brings just the right comfort and space, be it for your children’s room or your guest room.
Unleash your child’s imagination with a nautical design over a bunk bed. With plenty of storage space and display, your kids will surely love this.
If you enjoyed reading this article about these low bunk bed ideas, make sure you read these too: