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Combine form and function with Feng Shui to illuminate your path to calm, romance and renewal

Combine form and function with Feng Shui to illuminate your path to calm, romance and renewal

The most common room in a house is neither the bathroom nor the kitchen. It’s the bedroom.

Ideally, we spend a third of our lives sleeping, not to mention the time we spend reading, relaxing, or connecting with those we love.

This means that not only the décor in your bedroom but also the lighting, colors and placement of items and furniture should be carefully examined.

In general, Feng Shui (pronounced Fung Shway) is the ancient art of using colors, shapes and the five elements of air, water, wood, metal and earth to direct the flow of energy and create a favorable atmosphere in your life and your surroundings .

Light is energy. You can decorate your room with bedside lamps combined with the practice of Feng Shui to bring prosperity, peace and harmony into your home.

Understand the concepts of Feng Shui

Feng Shui Combine form and function with Feng Shui to illuminate your path to calm, romance and renewal

The driving principle behind Feng Shui is the Chi energy, which is the force behind all things in the universe.

It is not a mystical story of ancient women, but a force seen both in nature and tested in science. You may have heard the expression that someone’s chi is blocked.

That is, they feel stuck or unable to make decisions or move freely through life. Blockages can occur in and around the body. In order for chi to flow freely, blockages must be eliminated or minimized.

That is the goal of Feng Shui in relation to the physical environment in your home or workplace.

For a balanced interior, you should have a representation of the five elements placed in the areas of your space that correspond to them.

Feng Shui analysis can get very detailed depending on your birthday, where you live, the direction of your house and whatever it is in, among other things.

A very simple breakdown is as follows:

Wood – represented by rectangles and connected with roots, new beginnings and health, its color is green

Water – represented by waves or circles, is associated with emotions; The colors of the water are blue, aqua and black

Earth – Earth is square; it stands for stability and connects all elements with one another; The associated colors are brown and yellow

Fire – is a triangle and represents intellect and passion; The colors are red, purple and oranges

Metal – Metal is round, strong, stoic, and cool; It is associated with gray, sliver, and white. The items are also associated with directions on the compass and areas of your life that need improvement, respectively.

If you want more wealth, wood or the colors of the wood should be placed. For better health, you need plants and lots of green. Love is shades of is purple, red, and magenta.

What makes pendant lights cheap for Feng Shui?

Pendant lights Combine form and function with Feng Shui to illuminate your path to calm, romance and renewal

Apart from their beauty and elegance, Pendant lights are versatile.

They are made of different materials, shapes and colors and can be contemporary or classic. Opacity ranges from transparent and barely there to bold and bold, so you can add just the right element or color in the right amount.

There are even pendant lights made from delicate cages made of copper, bronze or gold.

Since they are hung from the ceiling with a narrow string, chains or rods, the placement is also flexible. They are ideal on the bed and can be hung high, low or offset due to the different lengths to increase the dimension.

Combine light and color

Pendant Combine form and function with Feng Shui to illuminate your path to calm, romance and renewal

In Feng Shui, light stands for the sun. It can be used to illuminate different aspects or your life, or to bring the ominous into focus and, so to speak, help you see the light. Lamps, in particular pendant lights.

Make it possible for you to place the right illuminance exactly where it is cheapest.

They can be bought and paired to match the most affordable colors and elements for the areas of your life that need balance. Light can also balance your home when there is too much of an element. For example, if you have a lot of wood energy in a room, adding red or a lighter light will bring balance to that area.

If you think about how elements interact with each other in nature, you can understand how they can achieve the same effect with lighting and decor. The lighting in the bedroom should be weaker and warmer in the color spectrum, but subdued.

The first task should be to remove the direct lighting or the large overhead light in the center of your ceiling.

Too much red or orange stimulates the nervous system, but bedside bedroom lights can have lightbulbs that give off soft light and shades of muted reds, pinks, or pale peaches. There should be plenty of natural light during the day to bring this energy into the room and help you refresh yourself while you sleep.

Tips on choosing pendant lights for your bedroom

1405400110409 Combine form and function with Feng Shui to illuminate your path to calm, romance and renewal

Pendant lights are ideal for creating the sensual, layered effect you want in your bedroom. Before choosing, consider the colors, shapes, and materials that will balance the elements you will need.

Then you need to consider the size and placement of the lamps in relation to the size of the room. High ceilings benefit from long poles or chains.

If the space is very small, a large pendant or thick, heavy string will seem overwhelming. Likewise, a narrow tubular pendant on a fine cord seems to be lost in a large room.

Lighting should be dimmer near sleeping or medication areas and brighter in a reading corner or dressing area. Part of the beauty of the pendant is that it enables this type of targeted lighting.