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What are fluorescent lamps?

What are fluorescent lamps?

Nowadays, most lamps used in home are fluorescent. They are a special type of lamp and their structure involves a long narrow tube consisting of glass with two electrical connections on each side of the metal caps that seal both ends of the narrow glass tube. The tube is filled with a number of gases such as krypton, neon and argon which are basically noble gases. These gases are used to suppress chemical reactions due to electrical discharges inside the pipe. Finally, light is produced by collision between mercury atoms and the other electrons present in the glass tube. One of the keys to producing light is to produce high-speed electrons so that there are more electrons that mercury can collide with. The greater the pressure from the collision, the brighter the light. This can also be done by heating the filament in the tube.


Fluorescent lamps consist of a mixture of phosphors that are mixed together. Phosphors are mixed together so that the wavelengths are evenly distributed. Nowadays, fluorescent lamps are mixed with six basic phosphorus mixtures. These phosphorus mixtures include: cold white, luxurious cold white, luxurious warm white, warm white, white and daylight. The daylight phosphor used is criticized for being cold because it is related to blue light while other lamps are related to warm red lights.


A French physicist Alexandre E Becquerel investigated this phenomenon with fluorescent lamps in 1857. He also theorized how lamps work and their properties. He even experimented with these lamps by coating the electric discharge with luminescent materials. In this way, the popularity of fluorescent lamps grew rapidly and is now considered one of the most common lamps in homes and offices.


Although fluorescent lamps are energy efficient and can produce 50-100 watts of energy, they also have many disadvantages. First of all, these lamps are difficult to control. The electrical discharge and current should be checked to prevent it from burning. In addition, the fluorescent lamp operation is not so simple compared to light bulbs. Another problem with fluorescent lamps is that you cannot supply full voltage to it because the current should be controlled. In addition, the fluorescent lamp should be preheated before full voltage is applied.