Home / Beds / The playful domicile for all ages: Creative house beds for the nursery

The playful domicile for all ages: Creative house beds for the nursery

The playful domicile for all ages: Creative house beds for the nursery

If the offspring becomes a “home builder” and wants to realize the dream of owning a home in the nursery, then house beds are very popular. Whether girl or boy, beach house or adventure hut – range offers the right model for every little architect. Design a child-friendly and imaginative room with a house bed in which your offspring would like to grow up.

It should be the dream of every child – to be able to retire to their own house. It is less about a temporary bed storage. Rather, more and more manufacturers are developing child-friendly toy beds, which come along in the design of a lovingly built cottage. Whether sleeping, cuddling, playing or chilling – the house beds give each child an individual retreat.

How big must the nursery be in order to set up a house bed in it?

The house beds are creative play beds, which are provided with a special wall covering or a roof structure. Some models are kept quite puristic and suggest outer walls or roof only. Others are designed on the basis of a loft bed and bring details such as windows, a slide, curtains or even flower boxes.