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Table cover – necessary for any table

Table cover – necessary for any table

When you have a table that you use so much and you want to keep it clean, you simply use a table cover. Table covers are the main and first layer of protection against stains and scratches, they also protect the table from getting wet whenever any liquid is spilled. It is customary to put a table cover on any table, even if it will not face any potential accidents. It helps in putting a decorative look to the table, besides it adds a contrast to the look of the table itself.

The type of the table cover depends on the table’s shape itself, tables come in square, rectangular, oval and round shapes; not to mention custom made shapes of course. Covers in this case vary in shape, some people like to have a perfectly cut cover; that means that it comes exactly as the size of the table top. Others like to have big covers that go down half way to the ground, while people who use tables as decoration like the center piece cover. It is all about how you want it to look like.

Covers come in many materials, there is cloth, paper, and plastic; there are also leather and handmade patterned ones. It is all about its purpose, for example, you cannot use cloth or handmade patterned covers for the purpose of protection; they will get wet as soon as a liquid is spilled. The best materials for protection against spilling are PVC plastic and leather, paper is mostly used as a one-time cover that is disposable after use. A table cover may be used for decoration only, and that is when leather, cloth and handmade patterned ones come in handy.

Table covers are necessary for any table, especially if this table is facing a lot of things that may affect how it looks. In order to keep your table scratch and stain-free, use a table cover. When you choose one, make sure to know what you are protecting your table from. Also consider the many shapes and materials that covers come in.