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Your autumn guide for bathroom renovations

Bathroom renovations are a great way to add value to your home. An updated and remodeled bathroom is also an appealing way for any homeowner to add a little bit of luxury and convenience to their life.

If you’ve been thinking about a bathroom renovation, fall may be the perfect time to prepare for the hectic holiday season and what better time to show off your new bathroom than when all these family members come over for the celebrations. When planning and preparing your bathroom renovation, the following points must be observed:

Check your pipes

The last thing you want is for your new bathroom to be destroyed by a leaky or burst pipe. Before starting any work, it is a good idea to visually inspect your easily accessible pipes to make sure they are not leaking, rusting, or appearing structurally to be unduly compromised.

If your renovation is extensive and you intend to expose existing plumbing, it is a good idea to have a trained professional check the durability of your plumbing while it is easy to get to. Your walls are going to be torn down anyway; You can also call in a plumber to make sure everything is up to specifications. The last thing you want is to remodel your bathroom just to find it a leak behind the wall.

Make sure the room is structurally sound

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Take a close look at the walls, corners, windows and ceilings for any repairs. Sometimes building materials can deteriorate over time.

You want to have a good foundation to prepare your project for success. If there are any leaks behind the walls or ceiling that spoil the structure of the room, now is the time to nip them in the bud.

Plan and design

You should take a close look at the space you need to work with and come up with a plan that takes into account structural additions as well as the addition of new plumbing fixtures. You’re really going to want to get one professional plumbing company in your area to get involved if you plan to introduce new fittings that would require changes to existing pipes.

Remodel-Works-Rex-4 Your autumn guide for bathroom renovations

A well-planned, quality-conscious, renovated bathroom will give you, your family and your guests years of pleasure. Take the time to plan your project and consult with plumbing and construction professionals for information before starting the work.

When thinking about renovations and talking about “planning ahead” about installing water filters in your home, you should know that one of the biggest benefits is cleaner showers and potable tap water! Installation of a UV water filter In your home during your bathroom renovation is a good example of the benefits of forward planning for the best possible results!

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The result is an updated bathroom that not only can you be proud of, but also know that it is tailored to your tastes and is exactly what you would expect from a modern bathroom. Remember, Renos isn’t just about improving aesthetics – making sure your bathroom is efficient and functional should be a top priority.