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Small apartment furniture and interior design

Small apartment furniture and interior design

There are many reasons to like small apartments – excellent downtown location, reasonable rent, comfort and charm. However, none of these would seem as idyllic if you didn’t know how to decorate them.

Misconception number one: use minimal decoration as your space is limited and you need it to be functional. There is no greater lie! Saving space doesn’t have to mean saving style.

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This article will suggest some tricks for decorating small apartments that can turn your space into a little paradise. You need to keep it light and cheerful, and order items to make it look more spacious. Let’s start:

Let light in

Applying the correct color palette is vital in small spots. Choose light colors as these can create a visual illusion of space. Dark tones, on the other hand, make your apartment appear smaller than it actually is.

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A neutral palette, rich in beige and white tones, also goes perfectly with darker, bold decorations.

Remember that light walls cannot be spacious unless they are combined with similar curtains.

Prefer light tones

If it’s too big, a dark surface can “close” your room and make it look smaller. However, this does not prevent you from applying bright splashes and vibrant hues throughout the apartment. Bigger is just one of the benefits – these pops could make your space look stylish, personal, and energetic.

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Think about vertical storage

If you want to get the most from your storage space, consider vertical storage systems that use the least amount of storage space. Visually, they look slim and tiny, but they can really collect all of your things.

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How do you save space? Here are some ideas: choose built-in bookcases; Replace the traditional doors with sliding doors. and insert a large, interesting board to divide your living and sleeping space.

Small home furniture should fulfill several tasks

Always look for pieces that serve more than one purpose. Instead of the massive couch, take a smaller sofa that can serve as a pull-out dormitory. Your overnight guests will really appreciate it!

A sofa or ottoman can also contain a lot of storage space. It can be the perfect place to store books, magazines, or remote controls instead of randomly tossing them on the table.

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Is That Rounded Coffee Table Really Necessary? Have you ever thought that parts you already have (a vintage trunk, for example) could be used as one? No costs, no clutter-win-win!

It’s that simple – any piece of furniture that can replace something else is a double win if there isn’t enough space.

Buy mirrors

The bigger the better – this also applies to mirrors.

Hang a large mirror opposite the window, let the light reflect and bring some air into the apartment. Visually, it looks like you have more space to live. Small apartments that decorate also appreciate the mirror because it is stylish and elegant.

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Along with mirrors, you can consider metal decor (frames, chrome lamps, or even silver trays). They all have a similar effect.

The useful side of wall art

Photos, paintings, or bookshelves may not seem as artistic, but sometimes these wall-mounted items can look really creative. Think of an interesting placement (it can always be an unusual shape) and use catchy, bold colors. This way, storing your belongings can be a really interesting experience.

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Why not curvy?

Small apartments look simple and austere because they are usually box-shaped. You can also change this without renovating. You can buy curvy elements to help defeat the square monotony. For example, rounded coffee tables or angled edges on the chairs could do this for you.

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Once you have perfect little home elements with you, transfer your efforts to the appropriate accessories. We recommend that you opt for rounded mirrors and conical lamps that can make an individual statement in your place.

Apply meaningful decoration

Make sure to decorate the place with taste and depth. You can use all kinds of decorative elements, such as: B. unique throws, carpets or exposed works of art.

The decoration of small apartments should be both moderate and bold. So don’t be afraid to give your neutral plans a bold pop.

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Oversized decorative items are also welcome. They are just as powerful as your large mirror when it comes to diffusing light and improving freshness.

Instead of the classic shelves, we recommend that you hang up shadow boxes. Traditional carpets should be avoided and there should be few cozy carpets. The feeling of warmth and comfort can be enhanced with several covers and large, soft pillows.

View mounted lighting (both ceiling and walls)

Are you really helping yourself by installing bright lamps on the floor of your small room? You are definitely not! The interior design of small apartments suggests that the light should come mainly from the ceiling and walls so that there is room for the entire space.

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Stay organized

Everyone knows that it is difficult to organize your things in a small apartment. It takes hidden storage space and incredible efforts to remove the clutter from the picture. We recommend that you constantly monitor how you have organized your belongings – no hidden closet will help you deal with messy clothes (where you are not even sure whether you are wearing or not).

Do not glue your furniture to the walls

We do not recommend ramming all the elements on one square meter, but rather pulling them at least 10 cm from the walls. In this way the room becomes significantly larger than it is.

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Keep this in mind when buying small home furniture – items with wheels can be easily moved or rearranged until you find the perfect position for them.

Use removable room dividers

It can be very messy to renovate the place so that you have a separate room to sleep and eat. We need more space for our daily activities, but there is almost always a mess that we would hide from unexpected guests.

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Fortunately, there are plenty of flexible partitions that we can use the space according to our needs. For example, you can use sliding doors, larger wardrobes or curtains.

Bring nature inside

Lighter and airier are both synonyms for comfort. Why not bring some plants to light up the room? It will feel cozy and take the focus off the spaciousness.

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No place for a plant? You can always hang it on the walls!

Find the right bed

Are you looking for something small but comfortable? To be honest, it’s a challenging mission. One of the rare ways to adjust the size without losing comfort is to buy a bed without square edges. For example, consider Murphy built-in beds that are only available when you need them. Plus, they sound interesting, don’t they?

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Keep it clean

Clutter will accumulate even when trying to clean daily. In small apartments this should be given extra consideration as the clutter is much more visible there (no place to hide it, remember?).

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The maintenance of small apartments should be regular and well organized. Reorganize the place at least once a year and think about what to remove. We assure you of this every time; There will be more and more items that you don’t need.