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Secrets for creating a chic family room

Secrets for creating a chic family room

My family room is so crowded that I have often thought about coordinating the design with my children’s most abandoned toys. But as much as my kids love multicolored neon decor, it could cause some of my adult guests to raise an eyebrow.

The first step in creating a chic family room is to start organizing and then go for a minimalist feel to avoid the crowded effect that can so easily get out of hand. Check out these five secrets of a chic and functional family room for helpful ideas.

Woven toy baskets

Woven toy baskets are a more stylish alternative to brightly colored plastic containers, and keep your little one’s toys within reach without compromising on interior design. Easy access also means easy cleaning, so you can get your living space up to date in no time.

Soft woven baskets can add nice texture to your scheme while protecting clumsy little ones from sharp edges and hard surfaces. Fold them up and store them easily when the kids are away.

Give wallpaper a second chance

wall1 secrets to creating a chic family room

Instead of exposing your home to steams and wet walls with a few kids running around, add some style to your home with the classic wallpaper method. Flashy wallpapers are an easy way to give your living room a unique design and personality. Not to mention, there are now plenty of brands that sell wallpaper that is sturdy enough to withstand all of your kids.

wall2 secrets to creating a chic family room

Additional tip: apply two types of wallpaper on the opposite walls Make the room appear more spaciousHowever, look for similar colors and patterns.

Set up by activity

Furnish1 secrets for creating a chic family room

Seems like a breeze, but the reality is that we all use our family rooms in different ways and for different activities. For example, two sofas might fit nicely in the living room, but would the family area work better and have more space to play?

Furnish2 secrets for creating a chic family room

If you’re more likely to fall asleep reading in the living room than in the TV room, Macys.com chair armchair would be more of a stylish and practical fit for the former than for the latter.

Add playful artwork

playful1 secrets to creating a chic family room

The best way to set the right mood in your family room is to put some vibrant artwork on the walls. Choose simple, minimalist pieces or a Picasso-esque piece of art with a kid-friendly feel.

playful2 secrets to creating a chic family room

This way you can frame some of your child’s best pieces and also hang them on the wall without looking out of place. You don’t have to limit yourself to just paintings, either. Experiment with vibrant sculptures or pottery. Just make sure it appears out of reach if it is fragile.

Draw attention to yourself with curtains

Curtains1 secrets for creating a chic family room

An affordable solution for adding color and style. Curtains, drapes, blinds, and other window treatments all have a dramatic effect on the overall look of your room.

drapes2 secrets for creating a chic family room

Place the poles high to make the room appear larger and use vertically striped fabric to highlight the height of your ceiling. Don’t forget to take advantage of the style potential of decorative curtain holders.