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Modern interior design styles

Modern interior design styles

We all have ideas about what our houses should look like, but we often lack the specialist knowledge to implement our ideas. A hand here and there is more than welcome, not just in executing design projects, but also in planning those projects to adhere to the rules of interior decorating.

Whether we’ve just moved or want to make some changes after years with the same furniture, the renovation will take a significant effort.

When we give our home a new look, it should reflect our opinion. Therefore, even the simplest changes are more of a challenge than purchasing accessories. With big changes like full repainting and remodeling, this challenge can be daunting.

Levin-Residence-Ibarra-Rosano-Design-Architects Modern interior design stylesImage source: Ibarra Rosano Design Architects

Where do we start? A good practice would be to take inspiration from contemporary interiors. For example, you can check out some of our cool examples from world-famous interior designers and choose a workable solution.

Design styles for your home

GRIFFIN-ENRIGHT-ARCHITECTS-Hollywood-Hills-Residence-Griffin-Enright-Architects Modern interior design stylesImage source: Griffin Enright Architects

The main rule is: there are no rules that you cannot change

Designers and decorators all agree: rules only exist because we can break them. If you think a design practice reflects exactly who you are and how you live, let go of it. However, try to strike a balance between appearance and functionality and make sure your interior space isn’t too crowded or distracting.

Space is not necessarily a limitation. In fact, there are many small home decorating styles out there looking for inspiration, including those that will convince you that working with space constraints is a lot easier.

Do not glue furniture to the wall. Places like this look cold and unfriendly. So give the seating a few inches to create a warmer flow.

Jupiter-Immobilien-Michael-Laurenzano-Photography Modern interior design stylesImage source: Michael Laurenzano Photography

Do it personally. Of course, interior design will come back to tricks and practices you’ve already used at some point, but most importantly, whether it feels like a family center that you always want to return to.

Use the space in a way that resembles your passion, be it travel memorabilia, a small indoor garden, or a cozy library. Cold and serious ambience should be off the table.

Modern-Blueberry-Farm-and-House-Flavin-Architects Modern interior design stylesImage source: Flavin Architects

Take care of the blanket (most people still don’t!). When it comes to a repaint or complete makeover, we are all primarily concerned with walls, floors, and furniture, but we seldom look up to understand the dramatic impact of overhead costs.

Ceilings play an important role in the feeling of the place as they reflect natural light and make a room feel moody and much warmer.

Keep colors playful and engaging. Most people stick to straightforward, classic pastels and neutral colors for the home base, which is indeed a risk-free solution.

What they forget is that colors can also be implemented with accessories, especially paintings, throws and blankets, carpets, pillows and vases. Small bangs and increments of an energizing shade work wonders for your room, especially if it is large and moderately furnished.

West Vancouver Residence Claudia Leccacorvi Modern interior design stylesImage source: Claudia Leccacorvi

The more color you add, the happier you will feel inside yourself.

An untraditional way of using wallpaper. Background images may be an outdated trend, but you can still find a way to use a nice one in an unexpected area.

People did a great job placing their decals in closets, foyers, or even on the ceilings. What to keep in mind here is to limit busy wallpaper to small areas and use simpler patterns and textures for large areas.

Experiment! People won’t necessarily remember a stylish and elegant dining room, but if you give them something they weren’t expecting, the story will turn.

Rhode Island TARA BAKER Modern interior design stylesImage source: TARA BAKER

For example, the same formal dining area can have a pleasing light-colored ceiling, just as a large and cold hallway might have a colorful stairwell.

Crispy white and relaxing bedrooms will look impressive with fun patterns on the closet or any other item you think deserves attention.

Bring your own experience. Looking at a person’s accomplishments is a great way to get a plan off the ground, but interior design is more about creating something unique.

Le-Bijou-Studio-Apartment-Le-Bijou Modern interior stylesImage source: Le Bijou

Instead of buying a common vintage set for the living room, you can display personal items related to moments that you enjoyed and cherished. Objects of sentimental value never go out of style, especially if you come up with a great way to mix them up with your new accessories.

Enjoy the process. It’s a shame people are too busy to enjoy designing and they rarely make the most of the experience. Why take it so seriously? After all, furniture is not a lifelong commitment and you can make mistakes.

New doesn’t always mean risky. As mentioned earlier, interiors aren’t that difficult to change. Sometimes all you need to do is repaint your walls or rearrange your furniture.

Foxtree Cove Webber Studio Architects Modern interior design stylesImage source: Webber + Studio, architects

With this in mind, we see no problem in testing new trends and provoking furniture surprises in your room, as this also reflects your adventurous nature and passion. While it’s perfectly fine to stick to the basic rules, the shade of your lamp can be the very differentiating detail you’ve been looking for.

Comfort is your priority and the driving force behind any design style. It doesn’t matter if you’ve opted for a rustic, sophisticated, eclectic, quirky, minimalist, bohemian or casual home – the place needs to be activated for life. If you can manage to make it both engaging and functional, your job is done there.

Lighting is just as important as (and is directly related to) comfort. The best scenario is to expose a house to excessive natural light and use a few simple tricks to get the most out of the surroundings. This won’t be easy in busy urban areas, but there are always powerful artificial sources that you can use to compensate.

East-Hampton-Timothy-Godbold-Ltd Modern interior design stylesImage source: Timothy Godbold Ltd.

Deliver your message with accessories. Designers like to call accessories the heart and soul of any room, and that’s because they connect elements together and play the crucial role in making a statement.

Exactly with accessories, popular designers associate and combine the looks and personalize the place to tell the interests and story of the owner.

For some of you these are bold pops of color, for others rustic fireplaces – whatever it is, make sure it helps to make the ambience more pleasant and appealing.

Interestingly, there are designers who base their entire interior plans on cool accessories like a colorful, sentimentally important carpet from Morocco.

Modern interior styles in a nutshell: these are the general rules to remember

Tomtebogatan-11-Celon Modern interior design stylesImage source: Celon

For a contemporary interior solution, play more with accessories and furniture than with classic color combinations. Put your message into practice and use favorite colors and pieces to make the place memorable.

In interior design, less is more. If you want your space to look modern and sophisticated, avoid aggressive carving, ruffles, floral prints, or fringes. Get rid of small and cute elements.

Look for something that is bold, structural, simple, yet impressive.

Modern floors should be sleek and bare, ideally wood or tile, or at least vinyl if the budget is tight. If you don’t want to keep the carpet for temperature or noise control, choose off-the-shelf grades and choose simple colors and patterns.


The-Lakes-House-Creative-Space-Architectural-Design Modern interior design stylesImage source: Creative Space Architectural Design

Your budget doesn’t have to be a critical issue to get the home you have dreamed of. With a little creativity, you can create a comfortable, functional and personalized oasis that doesn’t cost an arm or a leg.

It can be difficult to define certain modern interior styles. Modernism as a movement is now relatively old, which can make the name seem a bit ironic.

The fact that modern interior styles are more popular today than ever before can give them an almost timeless quality, which is also an interesting twist on something that is only meant to be specific to modern times.

The principles of modern interior design have long been in vogue because they make sense in many cases.

Alsemberg-ZR-Architekten Modern interior design stylesImage source: ZR Architects

The geometric shapes used in modern decor can make a room appear much larger, which is ideal for people who live in small apartments in the middle of the city.

Ensuring that all aspects of design are as functional as possible is also part of the foundation of modern design, which will appeal to people with a practical mindset.

Textures can make a room appear chaotic and overly stimulating, while the clean lines and shapes of modern interior design are calm and soothing. People can use modern interior design in their own four walls by emphasizing the lines and angles as well as the neutral colors.

Asymmetrical use of furniture and other decorations can also help. With modern design, it is important to use decorations wisely and only select those that really complement a room. The minimalism associated with modernity can sometimes present interior designers from all walks of life with an interesting challenge.

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