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Individual children’s room furniture

Individual children’s room furniture

For their development, children need a place that offers enough room for development – to move, to learn and to play. If the child is still small, it likes to play close to the parents. Building blocks are often built in the kitchen or in the living room. With a room divider, the toy land can be easily separated from the rest of the living area.

Own children’s room at school age

If the “playground” in the living room or in the kitchen is no longer sufficient or is ready for school, the time is ripe for the move to your own empire. The nursery has several functions from school age. It is a learning place for schoolwork and a place where children can be undisturbed by adults with peers together or even alone. The private room is a multifunctional room for schoolchildren. It is a learning, play and living room at the same time.

Flexible planning

The learning place plays a central role in the nursery. It is subject to constant change and must be able to cope with the most diverse requirements – after all, “learning” is different at different ages and in the individual phases of life. Therefore, learning furniture should be flexible and participate in any reorganization. But the room size also determines the design of the learning place. If entire desk landscapes find their place in large rooms, then there is less room to calculate differently.

Individual learning environment

With growing desk systems, writing furniture for the most diverse needs and (room) situations. In order for the learning station to meet the respective requirements of functionality and to be integrated into every room, the writing furniture is part of a modular system. Individual elements can always be rearranged and expanded. The modules make it possible to put together a completely individual learning environment that can be adapted to current requirements at any time – almost independently of the room size.