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Best place for TV in the living room

Best place for TV in the living room

In terms of interior design, one task that can seem quite intimidating and difficult is building in a television. This is because no matter how large the room itself, the television becomes the main focus for most people. This means that it is important to balance everything when decorating around the TV to keep it from standing out from everyone else in the room.

Here are some different ideas for the living room TV area that you can use to create the impression that this is the best addition to the space it occupies, rather than just a proverbial add-on.


Best place for TV in living room 8 Best place for TV in living room

Perhaps the best place to watch TV in the living room is on an actual wall, as mounting here definitely helps save a lot of space in the long run. It also means that you don’t have to worry about investing in expensive items like entertainment centers.

However, there is a way to make your TV look great while hanging on the wall. All you have to do is buy a frame big enough to fit around the TV so it looks like a large piece of art. The overall size of the frame itself depends on your personal preference. It can either fit nicely around the TV or it can be larger than the TV.

Hang shelves

Consider investing in a set of shelves that are both tiered and larger than your TV. If you hang them near the set, you will place your desired display items on it, which will surely attract the attention of all your guests.


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If you’d prefer to go a different route with shelving, just buy some that you think look good and put them together in your own way. For example, you can choose to have the shelves surround the TV or use some sort of corner shelving system instead. In addition, you can also use a dedicated bookcase for your shelf if you wish.

Hide the TV set from plain view

If you decide that you don’t want your TV to be seen all the time, there are many different things you can do to keep it from being seen. For example, consider investing in a number of doors that you can easily hide the TV behind. In addition, you can also choose more conventional routes, e.g. For example, hiding the TV behind a piece of art large enough to do the job.


You can also turn your TV into a literal work of art by simply surrounding it with various framed photos and other artwork, and making sure that all the parts are different sizes for an added effect. Also, try using different colors for even more pop. These items can be arranged in two different ways: either symmetrically or free flowing. It just depends on which way the room feels the most.

Turn a VINTAGE BUFFET ISLAND into a TV stand

Best place for TV in living room 5 Best place for TV in living room

Most people either mount their TVs on a wall or even place them on top of a specific piece of furniture. However, if you want an even more interesting focal point, consider investing in a more unusual stand for your TV, such as a TV stand. B. a vintage buffet island. These are most commonly available at thrift stores or even from online retailers like Craigslist. Even better is the fact that such pieces cost much, much less than a modern TV stand, which will save you a lot of money in the long run.


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Open shelves, located under the TV, are both eye-catching and extremely convenient as they can be used to hide things like CDs, DVDs, and game consoles.


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If you find that your TV is taking up too much of the space it is taking up, you can counter this by adding different types of accessories to the room, such as: B. Lamps and framed photos and / or graphics.


This type of gallery wall is a surefire way to add sophistication to virtually any space. Use something like this in a room where your TV is currently located.


Another useful and creative way to hide your TV is to put together some sort of “secret screen” that you can completely customize. For example, select some photos that you find beautiful, inspiring, etc., and construct some sort of flip-up screen large enough to hide the screen of your TV. Even with this “secret screen” open, the overall presence of your TV is minimized.


Some people choose to decorate a room by hanging plates in a specific area of ​​a room. These can be from different states or countries they have visited or from other states that may otherwise be collected. Either way, they’re definitely a surefire way to get attention in any space they occupy.


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Mount the TV on a wall that has been wallpapered, especially if the background image is the same color as the TV itself. This way, when the device is switched off, it is practically invisible to even the keenest eyes.


Best place for TV in living room 1 Best place for TV in living room

While televisions of all kinds are certainly beautiful things for everyone, they are not exactly the most beautiful things in the world. It’s essentially an oversized frame with nothing of real visual value in the center. If you try some of these tips and tricks for yourself, you are sure to find a huge difference in the end.