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Home office furniture: sets, ideas and nice examples

Home office furniture: sets, ideas and nice examples

There are two keys to a home office: it’s comfortable and productive.

Why a home office when it’s not a comfortable, productive space?

Why might you just as easily have a home office if you don’t want those two things!

Your home office furniture should be selected and arranged with these two goals in mind.

Henderson-Road-Farmhouse-von-Ty-Evans-Windermere-Real-EstateBI-Inc Home Office Furniture: Sets, Ideas and Nice Examples
Image source: Ty Evans, Windermere / BI, Inc.

However, it is difficult to disassemble these ideas on your own. So, as you choose and figure out how to arrange your home office furniture, think about these factors and ask yourself some important questions

Think about your budget

Our budget should be the first thing you consider when choosing home office furniture sets. Once you know what it is, you can start looking at what you can get at your selected price. You know which home office furniture is beyond your means and can clearly assess the value of various home office furniture ideas.

Home office furniture by Calistoga-Barn-by-Paul-Kelley-Architect: sets, ideas and nice examples
Image source: Paul Kelley architect

Do your research online, in furniture and office stores, and in furniture magazines. You will find that home office collections have many different features due to their different prices.

Urban-Organic-by-Lisa-Michael-Interiors Home office furniture: sets, ideas and nice examples
Image source: Lisa Michael Interiors

Self-assembling furniture is generally cheaper, and you can find various self-assembling home office furniture sets with many different features, such as: B. Drawers and space for computer cables. More decorative pieces of furniture for the home office are more expensive, and you should always expect larger, sturdier furniture to cost more.

2015-Utah-County-Parade-of-Homes-by-Sweetwater-Homes-Home-Office-Furniture: Sets, Ideas, and Nice Examples
Image source: Sweetwater Homes

Desk chairs are an important piece of furniture for the home office that is worth taking the cost-benefit ratio of very seriously. A good desk chair can make a huge difference in how productive your home office is.

Home office furniture by Bellevue-Hill-by-Zugai-Strudwick-Architects: sets, ideas and beautiful examples
Image source: Zugai Strudwick Architects

Leather upholstery can cost a lot, as can various adjustable options. Modern, ergonomic chairs tend to be very expensive. Do your research and consider your needs before buying a desk chair.

Think about the space available

Underestimating and overestimating the available home office space is a big and all too common mistake when choosing home office furniture sets. Empty rooms always look bigger than rooms in which even something is present.

Cetingok-Residence-Murphy-Maude-Interiors Home office furniture: sets, ideas and nice examples
Image source: Murphy + Maude Interiors

A chair and desk take up quite a bit of space. Adding bookshelves, guest or customer seating, and computer monitors will use up that space very quickly.

Forest-Hill-Residence-by-Amantea-Architects Home office furniture: sets, ideas and nice examples
Image source: Amantea Architects

Combat the tendency to misjudge the available space by carefully measuring the space of the room you are using as a home office. Think about what you really need in this room.

Home office furniture by Shah-Residence-by-Fadd-Studio: sets, ideas and nice examples
Image source: Fadd Studio

You may only be using your laptop in this area. Therefore, you need a small, simple table as a desk and a good chair. Think of the space you are working with in the light of your space needs and plan your home office furniture accordingly.

Think about efficient use of space

Choose the furniture you need to get the most out of your home office. As impressive or amazing as certain features of home office furniture are, you may not need them and they are not worth the cost or the space they take up.

Office-by-Harrell-Remodeling-Inc.  Home office furniture: sets, ideas and nice examples
Image source: Harrell Remodeling, Inc.

In the same way, if you need lots of space to distribute documents or need a drawing desk, don’t choose a desk that’s too small. Your home office is a work space for you, and the arrangement of home office furniture should be tailored to your work needs for maximum efficiency.

Is it a common space?

When sharing your home office, you need to consider your office partner’s needs. Your office partner may need more or less space than you do, depending on their needs.

Inspiring-Home-Office-by-LMOH-Interiors Home office furniture: sets, ideas and nice examples
Image source: LMOH Interiors

You need to work together to figure out what pieces of home office furniture each of you actually needs. Some elements can be multifunctional and shared, e.g. B. Bookshelves for references and a table with a printer.

Do you receive customers?

Using your home office to receive customers has a huge impact on your home office furniture arrangement. It doesn’t have to be a very elaborate setup as a customer doesn’t expect the polished, fancy accommodations in an office. However, you want to come across as professional.

All-by-Gepetto Home Office Furniture: Sets, Ideas and Nice Examples
Image source: Gepetto

Everyone who receives customers in their home office needs a desk. It’s best to put it in front of the door so you can see it while you work. Make sure that the desk you choose is big enough not only for your belongings but also for those of your customers.

2011-HHL-Den-by-Atmosphere-Interior-Design-Inc.  Home office furniture: sets, ideas and nice examples
Image source: Atmosphere Interior Design Inc.

Putting two desks at an angle is a great home office furniture arrangement for this situation. You can turn off your computer on one computer and leave the other free for your customers to use.

How much time will you spend there?

Knowing how much time you will be spending in your home office is an important factor in the comfort of the space. If you only use it for short periods of time like half a day or as a reception location for customers, style is more important than comfort and ergonomics.

Cape-Cod-Guest-Retreat-Office-by-Sarah-Barnard-Design Home-Office-Furniture: Sets, Ideas and Nice Examples
Image source: Sarah Barnard Design

However, if you frequently work with it for seven, eight, or more hours, you need an office with a much higher level of comfort and some serious ergonomic considerations.

Integrate your personal needs and style

Once you know the practical considerations of your home office furniture, it’s time to start thinking about its style. Contemporary home office furniture comes in many different looks at any price.

Home-Office-von-Marie-Meko-Allied-ASID Home office furniture: sets, ideas and nice examples
Image source: Marie Meko, Allied ASID

Don’t think that your home office has to look like something out of a catalog. It can and should reflect your preferences and personality.

Noe-Valley-Residenz-von-GEREMIA-DESIGN Home office furniture: sets, ideas and nice examples
Image source: GEREMIA DESIGN

You should also think about whether your home office matches the style of the rest of your home or is stylistically a separate room. Some people may find that their home office needs to look like a separate place to be efficient, while others enjoy the feeling of working in their home. It depends on you.

Lake-Shore-Drive-Co-Op-by-Alan-Design-Studio Home Office Furniture: Sets, Ideas and Nice Examples
Image source: Alan Design Studio


Your home office furniture should be selected based on your home office space and needs. Take the time to really evaluate what it is before you spend your money. With the right considerations, you will find yourself in a stylish, comfortable and efficient home office.