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Design your own dream home using these design principles

Design your own dream home using these design principles

Whether you want to build or remodel, it is entirely possible to design your dream home. There are many reasons why homeowners create their own designs for their home. Most often the choice is made for two main reasons. First, you can save a lot of money by designing your own dream. Second, it makes your home your own.

Our houses are not just houses. They are houses. A home is a place where you live and raise your family. A house is just a building. It is a structure made of wood and beams. It has walls, ceilings and floors. It is made of wood and sheetrock or plaster of paris. It can be painted, decorated and designed depending on who you are and how you live.

Decorate and design

Decorating and designing Design your own dream home based on these design principles

Decorating and creating involve many things. Decorating relates to eye appeal. It is when you make your home look attractive. Decorating includes things like wall paint, flooring, furniture, and style. Designing a dream home is a little different. It relates to functionality. Some people are naturally creative. Others don’t need to be sure where to start when it comes to this. The aim of this article is to give you some helpful tips, ideas, and pointers about decorating and designing.


Lighting1 Design your own dream home based on these design principles

Lighting is a form of design. A room that is not properly lit can be redesigned by adding different lights or by installing new or additional lighting. From ceiling fans to built-in lights, the possibilities are endless. When designing your dream home, pay attention to the types of lighting options and their prices.

You can do this online or through a trip to your local hardware store. Lighting is important. It helps us not only to see certain areas of the house but also to highlight them. For example, a chandelier generally accentuates a dining table. It’s just as much about how it looks as it is about the light it offers.

Do it yourself

Doing-It-Yourself1 Design your own dream home based on these design principles

Hiring a decorating or design professional can be expensive. If you don’t feel like you can paint your own walls or choose your own fabrics, it’s probably best to hire an expert. If you’re a homeowner who is practical and has an eye for style, you can do all of the work yourself.

Know what you like

Knowing what you like Design your own dream home using these design principles

When you decorate your home, you can make it a place you absolutely love to be. It helps your home look and feel great. The things that look good to us and that make us feel good are the things we love. Have you ever been through a store when you notice something? You are drawn to it and drawn to it. When choosing items for your home, you will find that certain colors, themes, prints, textures, etc. appeal to you more than others.

Usable and negative space

Usable space and negative space1 Design your own dream home using these design principles

Every room in your home has two types of space. Usable space and negative space. When decorating and designing the home of your dreams, there are two important things to remember. The first thing to remember is to make all negative spaces attractive. This is where you add decor.

Usable Space and Negative Space 2 Design your own dream home using these design principles

The second thing to remember is to make all of the usable space functional. This is the room you live in. Here you sit, where you eat, where you store your things and clothes. This is where you put your bed, sofas and chairs. As you design, be sure to consider numerous storage options. Things like shelves can be added to negative space to make it usable.

The term negative space refers to rooms in your home that are not in use or that cannot be used. If you angle your couch in a corner, the space behind the couch will be a negative space. You can make the space usable by adding decor, lighting, or rearranging your furniture so that the couch is back against the wall. Usable space would be created and negative space would be completely eliminated.

Use the space under the stairs

Using the Space Under the Stairs Design your own dream home using these design principles

Here’s a great example of how you can turn negative space into usable space. There is an empty room under each staircase. Many people choose to add shelves or cabinets underneath. This helps reduce clutter in your home by providing additional storage space. Many people store books, clothes, special items, and personal items on shelves. When nicely arranged, it is both functional and decorative. Vacation items, coats and shoes, unused household items, and off-season items can be stored in a closet in the space under the stairs.

Find your room focus

Find-Your-Rooms-Focal-Point Design your own dream home with these design principles

Every room in your home will have a focus. This point is not necessarily the center of the room. This is where the eye is drawn. Here the action takes place in space. When decorating and designing any particular room in your home, remember to start with the focus. Take this space into account in any decision you make about decorating and designing the space.

Find-Your-Rooms-Focal-Point1 Design your own dream home based on these design principles

Use a color wheel

Using a Color Wheel1 Use these design principles to create your own dream home

With a color wheel you can see many colors together. You will find that you like certain colors better than others. Use the colors you like the most, on walls, in fabrics, and in everything. Each room in your home can use a different color theme. You can use many different colors all over your home. Do you attract roosters, cows, old barns and vast fields? Then your topic would be county.

Do you love tropical places with sandy beaches, sunshine and palm trees? Then your topic would be tropical. Some people like everything modern, others love the safari and the jungle. The possibilities of the subjects are endless. Colors like blue and purple help create the safari theme. You can turn your home into an exotic oasis. Black and white are common colors of a modern theme.

Modern themes sometimes use bright, neon, contrasting colors too. With floral themes, softer colors are used, as well as several shades of green. National themes usually use a lot of red, orange, and brown. You can use the color wheel to see the different shades of each color. So you can choose the perfect colors for your walls, ceilings, floors, furniture and decorations.

Know yourself

Know yourself Design your own dream home with these design principles

You can design and decorate your dream home better than any professional designer because you are the only one who knows how you live in your home and what you find attractive. Fill your home with things that make you feel good about yourself. Choose items and furniture that are usable and functional. Create your home based on your needs and the needs of other people who live there. Each family member should include their own preferences in the plan.