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Cold foam mattresses 120×200

Cold foam mattresses 120×200

For comfort single beds they are the perfect choice: cold foam mattresses in 120×200 cm. These sleep documents impress with a soft to firm feeling of lying and optimal body adaptation in all sleep positions. In addition, many cold foam mattresses in 120×200 cm are equipped with washable covers, making them ideal for allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

The perfect equipment for single beds in comfort width: Cold foam mattresses in 120×200 cm

Bedsteads with a lying area of ​​120 to 200 centimeters are often referred to as comfort single beds. Because with their lying surface you offer a person a lot of space to stretch their arms and legs away from the body at night. Matching to these bed models provide cold foam mattresses in 120×200 cm for the perfect sleeping comfort.

120×200 cm cold foam mattresses for teenagers

If the offspring has outgrown the childhood and the desire for a real youth bed becomes a reality, beds with a 120×200 cm lying surface are often chosen. Because often the space in the former nursery is not enough for a double bed.

Individual recommendation from certified sleep experts

Whether for teenagers, adults or seniors, bachelors or single women – suitable 120×200 cm cold foam mattresses are available for persons of all ages, body types and every lifestyle.