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Asian-inspired interior design

Asian-inspired interior design

The Asian-inspired decor is an authentic style that is slowly finding its way into modern interior design. It’s real because it exudes a special kind of peace and tranquility.

It soothes the soul with its rich character and soothing shapes and is the perfect addition to a modern home.

Zen features

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The Zen style has already been integrated into the Asian-inspired interior design. The main colors to focus on are water, dark soil and, of course, neutral tones to help stabilize the mood.

Implementing a Zen style in your home is an easy process because it doesn’t have too many requirements. The style itself promotes simplicity and minimalism. It is quite enough to effectively use the essentials and the furniture in combination with the universal need for balance.

Maximize the flow of energy

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There has always been a connection between the Asian Zen style and bright, open floor plans – the goal is to let the energy flow freely through the room.

Natural design elements are important if you want to harmonize the surroundings and increase the impact of the negative space of the room. Try wooden blinds, Asian wall art, or bamboo details.

A touch of vibrant colors

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Some may say that Asian styles lack strong and vibrant tones, but that is very far from the truth. A light accent mixed with a neutral backdrop is a design that is always included when using an Asian-themed interior.

The oriental style cannot do without accents of pinks or cherry blossoms, luxurious purples or gorgeous shades of red as they also make up a large part of the China-inspired decorating styles.

You can use subtle blacks to add to the mystical atmosphere of the room, or even elegant golds complemented by a subtle neutral background.

This combination gives you a feeling of freshness and content. Gold has also been very popular lately, so no matter what style you prefer, it is a great choice.

As few articles as possible

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When working with Asian-inspired home decor, there is no room for clutter, especially since the Feng Shui philosophy states that an abundance of small items can trap bad energy.

Asians themselves don’t have too many things in their homes as they have simpler decorating tendencies than North Americans. It’s good to keep in mind that space is also limited, so storage is a general part of this topic.

A coffee table and side tables with clear lines and storage spaces such as baskets and drawers might just be enough for a simple and stylish living room.

When looking at the bedroom, consider replacing your wide dressers with ones that are tall and not too wide. It is better to clean a room than to fill it with furniture and small items that seal the space.

Circular motifs are important

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It is important to remember the circular motif, which is a big part of the oriental style interior design.

The circle is known to represent the sun, and this is also found in Japan’s national flag as it is the “Land of the Rising Sun”. Circles can be found in cabinet surfaces or even in doors; A style known as moon doors.

Including screens

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Options range from folding screens to sliding doors that fill the center of the room. You can add elegance and sophistication to your home by dividing your spaces without the harsh borders of walls.

Visual and structural balance

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Balance is a very important part of the Asian style; It is a recurring theme in most of the choices of the oriental design type. Talking about balance, you need to be careful about choosing the colors and textures for your room.

They need to be combined in such a way that they harmonize the environment and emphasize balance. For a concrete home, glass partition walls, wooden floors as well as bamboo blinds, natural stone decorations and organic textures create a charming and ideal environment.

Statement pieces are enough

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The simplified aura of mood would not be the same without some distinctive accents to enliven it. Of course, these pieces would have to complement the existing Asian-inspired interior.

Some good options would be Asian-inspired furniture or maybe even a tri-fold screen.

You could achieve a complete look by using the perfect tapestries or rugs for your backdrop. If you are looking for something modern, tatami mats and bamboo covers can change the traditional oriental look.

With a few statement pieces, you could simplify and minimize the need for lots of Asian decor, as if, with the right selection, you didn’t need much to keep the mood going.

The beauty of the chinoiserie

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Some Chinese influences made up of mythical and detailed designs are known as chinoiserie, which means “Chinese” in French. However, Chinoiserie Furniture is not limited to just customizing the Chinese design and motifs, it also includes some advanced painting techniques from Japan called Japanning.

You can find such designs in textiles and embroidery, and even on pieces of furniture such as cabinet doors or porcelain objects. They help create an imaginative atmosphere that will grab attention and make a powerful impact.

Water features for an authentic atmosphere

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The symbol of balance is none other than water, which is very common in the Asian style as a symbol of an atmosphere full of lightness. Feng Shui claims that the sound of flowing water harmonized the soul so its sound would be a great feature to put in the living area, entrance room, or even the back yard.

Try reflective pools as these are one of many water features that can bring the area to life. Another great choice is a koi pond, which can bring fluidity and easily become the main attraction in a room.

Embrace the calm

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Since it’s one of the most memorable signs of Asian design, rest is important in keeping your space peaceful and improving its overall aesthetic.

Neutral tones go well with soft lighting like paper lanterns, as well as natural textiles like bamboo bed. These elements could create a full ambience with a touch of carefully chosen Asian-inspired decor.

Print the walls correctly

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You can try silk paintings to achieve a state of the piece as these types of paintings use many colors to create beautiful detailed images. Wallpaper that is inspired by silk painting is used more and more often and gives a kind of authenticity to any homeowner.

Part of nature

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It’s not just the decoration – the entire ambience should be Asian inspired. You can use scented candles, sandalwood incense, and even wind chimes. These are sure to really flow into the overall oriental vibe that you want to exude.

You can breathe life into the space with some potted plants and shrubs that will transform your everyday home into something modern yet comfortable.

It’s not just about the visual representation – paying attention to the smells and sounds of the room is a key factor in creating the perfect ambience for you and your guests.

Check out antiques

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You can choose a painted chinoiserie table or jade urns to suit your style. These details mixed with a simple and neutral backdrop and decor will inspire and create the perfect Asian style backdrop.