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Ceiling lamp for the terrace

Ceiling lamp for the terrace

Different alternatives

Among the pendant lamps are many models and of course the manufacturer’s brands. Just take a moment to look at the pictures on the internet, to realize the great variety available in the market, from the classic chandelier, through the industrial, basically Made of metal (stainless steel, aluminum, copper, etc.), to modern inspired of geometric figures: spherical (globe), cubic, starry, among others.

When it comes to the luminaire, there is also great variation to decide. Generally, there are light bulbs and cold light, and between the latter the LED lights shine.

How to choose the right.

With this varied introduction, our decision depends on several factors. Let’s start with the luminaires and the economic factor directly derived from them. Light bulbs are the most economical on the market, but also those that consume more energy; Use should be as limited as possible only to those areas where you want to maintain a warm and cozy environment and must be installed with a dimmer of light intensity.

Then we have the cold lamps, more expensive, but with more durability and lower energy consumption. Some of them can also give us a feeling of a cozy atmosphere with the yellow hue, or very clearly with the spectrum of white light, perfect for the areas of reading or work.

In terms of material and shape, it naturally depends on the decoration of the area where it is to be placed.

Let’s look at the following examples.

Decorate the terrace.

We have in our house a terrace that we want to decorate with a style between modern and rustic. The floor we have is tiled and the wooden ceiling. We start with the furniture, ideal for the style and durability we want is wood, in one of its types. Suppose we decided on the curve, then placed a two-seater sofa, an armchair or a bench and a rocking chair, which surrounds a coffee table of the same material and glass top.

We must then think of enlightenment. To maintain the rustic concept, we can choose a geometric lamp, globe, with PVC screen or fabric and LED luminaire, so we keep the three principles of consumer economy, aesthetics and functionality.