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Size of double beds – perfect for two people and couples

Size of double beds – perfect for two people and couples

Bed is an important component in any bed room. Beds are present in almost every house. Beds have a rich history and they are being used since centuries. In the beginning there were only limited types of beds. Nowadays beds are available in different sizes and shapes. Beds are available in different materials as well.

Size of the bed is the most important thing that should be kept in mind if you are thinking to decorate or redesign your room. If you have a huge space to work with, you can go for larger beds. If you have some limited space, the task is a bit difficult. Size of the bed should be such that it is comfortable and is able to provide a sound sleep. Other things to notice are the material and the frame of the bed.

Double beds are special designed in such a way that they provide a reasonable space for two people to sleep easily. It is best for couple as it allows them to sleep properly and comfortably. It also provides necessary space between two people. Double beds are not suitable for all the rooms. It is made for rooms where you can easily place them.

Double bed is almost of the double size of a single bed. According to the standard, the size of the double bed is 4 feet 6 inches in width and 6 feet 3 inches in length. It is approximately 137 cm x 190 cm. This size is so common and is being used by many people. It is different than a standard king size bed. Standard size double beds are easily available at all the furniture shops near you. You can also search them on the internet as many of the online furniture shops are offering a huge range of double beds.

Double beds should be placed in such a room where you have a reasonable space left after placing a double bed. The size of the room should be at least 10 x 10 feet.