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A look back at 2013 and interior design forecasts for 2014

A look back at 2013 and interior design forecasts for 2014

If you love being fashionable and maintaining a home that’s on trend, you probably already know where 2013 is going. This year we’ve seen the love of shabby chic evolve into a real vintage with people craving really old pieces rather than modern items that look old.

In addition, nature has played an important role in interior trends lately. Birds, butterflies and flower patterns are strongly represented in the trend house.

Natural themes have also been reflected in the decor, with rustic items and reclaimed oak playing a large role in the top furniture of 2013.

oak1 A look back at 2013 and interior design projections for 2014

Handcrafted products have seen a massive boom, largely thanks to the platform that small home industries are receiving through extensive social media websites. However, some have gone a different route and embraced Louis XIIV furniture fashion combined with lavish gold and metallic accents.

2 A look back at 2013 and interior design projections for 2014

In short, that was and is 2013. But what about the future? What trends should you think about now if you want to be ahead of Jones in 2014? Here are a few ideas:

• • yellow: The color for 2014 will no doubt be yellow. We’ve seen our share of teal and purple, but now the world is crying out for something bolder, happier, and something that will make us feel energized.

yellow A look back at 2013 and interior design predictions for 2014

• • template: After the flower and bird prints we see so much of in 2013, patterns in general are about to make a comeback. Are those old curtains from your grandmas? Get them out of the loft because these vintage styles and chintzy designs will be all the rage in 2014.

Samples A look back at 2013 and interior design predictions for 2014

• • Ethnic: With the revival of the old world patterns comes a more exciting, livelier trend. Colorful ethnic fabrics and primary-colored wall hangings will be trendy next year. So, head to Spain, Mexico and Africa to look for colorful interior gems.

• • room: No, not the last frontier. The other type of space will be a high priority in 2014. People like to feel in an airy environment, and the minimalist life won’t go off the radar anywhere next year. If you are drowning in a mess it might be a good idea to do so Man and a van in London to help you clear things up and bring your home back to the spacious haven you know can be.

space A look back at 2013 and interior design predictions for 2014

• • Sentimental: The sense of touch is just as much a part of humans as image and sound, but in the past there has been a great lack of interior design. In 2014 the touch will defend itself when fabrics that stimulate this sensual part of our senses come into the shops and are ready to come into our homes with joy. Think sheepskin rugs, suede seats, and silky curtains all mixed together to create a sensory paradise.

• • art: Out of love for the home industry, handcrafted goods will lead to higher quality craft and refined skills in 2013 and 2014.

Author bio

Rony Mikal is a content writer with a great flair for interior design and interior design. He is always looking for new challenges. Hence his articles focus on London Movers and Moving company in London. Now he’s using his expertise to write for home improvement and value creation ideas.