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Incredible architectural designs of modern houses

Incredible architectural designs of modern houses

Modern architecture generally refers to buildings that were designed after the turn of the 20th century.

A wide range of styles is included in modern architecture, but these are usually characterized by clean lines and minimal decoration. It relies on the use of advanced technologies and aims to meet the needs and expectations of modern society.

Form follows function

This term is used in relation to modern architectural designs and means that the design is derived from the purpose of a building. Famed architect Louis Sullivan was the first to use this term to describe designs that are solid, useful, and beautiful.

Sullivan designed skyscrapers in Chicago because the established style of architectural design was no longer appropriate. People’s tastes had changed, new technology had become available to construct such buildings, and economic forces meant that new designs were both necessary and achievable. Skyscrapers are used as both houses and business premises.

Truth about materials

The second concept that is widely used in modern architectural design is “truth about materials”. This means that the materials used in modern buildings and homes are not hidden, but presented in their natural form as accurately as possible. An example of this style is the Dakin Building in California.

This award-winning office building is characterized by clear lines and a distinctive geometric design. The porcelain panels used on the outside of the building are neither covered nor painted, but simply remain in their original form.

Modern architecture worldwide

Different approaches to the design of houses are being pursued around the world. In the US, the modernist approach to architecture is evident. In contrast, Italian architects used futurism in their architecture and the Russians preferred constructivism. The architecture of modern buildings in Western Europe was influenced by the Arts and Crafts movement and Expressionism.

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Casa Marisol from espaço a3

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Dom Zlomu by Paulíny Hovorka Architekti

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Freundorf Villa from Project A01

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House 6 by Marcio Kogan

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Iseami House by Robles Arquitectos

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Kowalewski residence by Belmont Freeman Architects

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Paraty House by Marcio Kogan

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Pryor residence by Bates Masi Architects

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Sosnowski residence of Chen + Suchart Studio, LLC

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Tangga House by Guz Architects

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Villa San Valentino by architect Stephen Unger

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