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How to organize furniture in your home

How to organize furniture in your home

Arranging or rearranging furniture is something that some people would consider an absolutely terrible prospect. On the flip side, other people would find the prospect of fully moving all of the furniture, which is an enjoyable challenge.

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Depending on which of these descriptions covers you, an empty room in which furniture needs to be rearranged from scratch will either fill you with dread or prove extremely inspiring to you. People can either choose to furnish a room the way they think is okay (which might turn out to be wrong) or they can go about it more systematically overall.

Here is some pointers to people on how to systematically rearrange their furniture, whether they want to or whether they have a choice on this matter. This is probably better for the folks looking for furniture arrangement ideas.

Know how long and wide everything has to be

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There are probably innumerable people who have miscalculated how big the furniture they want to order can be. You may have ordered the best bookshelves, display cabinets, or wardrobes, but if you can’t fit them in any of the rooms in your home then your furniture redesign will have to be redesigned yourself.

Work out the main attraction

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When you walk into some rooms, you immediately get the impression that no thought has been given to how the furniture should be arranged. There is no obvious focus for people entering the room, and the furniture, if some of it wasn’t that heavy, could actually have been tossed into the room, apparently on a random basis as well.

Instead, opt to make an object the main attraction in any room where you plan to arrange the furniture. Ideally, the way you arrange your furniture will highlight this attraction rather than detract from it.

A big screen, picture, or a new or renovated fireplace could be the main attraction.

Scale the main attraction

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Whether or not you have arranged furniture in front of the scale of your chosen main attraction has to be right. If it is too small, people may be instinctively drawn to other functions in the room, such as B. from the sofa or from the television. On the other hand, if your focus is too big, people will think that you have unbalanced the balance of the room. A 60-inch television just makes everything else too small.

Don’t bundle everything too close together

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Some people just can’t help themselves, they tend to bunch everything up too close together and the room looks wrong because of that. If chairs are too close to a table, it can be difficult to eat a meal, for example in the dining room or kitchen. When furniture is too close to doors, it can be difficult to enter and exit rooms safely.

So rolled up things don’t look right and can also pose a health and safety risk.

Find a balance with the space between furniture

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There must be a balance between the furniture in every room. For example, you might not want to have a chair right in front of the TV or leave a tiny gap between the kitchen chairs and the sink or fridge-freezer.

Use a computer program to plan things

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Nowadays you can get interior design computer programs relatively cheaply, which allows you to experiment with where to place furniture without actually having to move anything. Since you’re not moving anything at all, you don’t have to keep moving things until you get the look you really want.

Take out the tape measure

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After you have an idea of ​​how to arrange furniture, it’s always a good idea to get out a tape measure. First, you need to measure the gaps and areas where you plan to incorporate furniture. If you already have the furniture, measure it. This way, you don’t have to move the furniture at all if they are too big for the gaps you want to put them in.

Once you’ve taken the measurements, you can also make sure that any new furniture you buy specifically will fit snugly in the place where you plan to keep it.

Pay attention to the corners

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Sometimes your furniture arrangement ideas just get stuck despite careful planning. You carefully measured the gaps you want your furniture to go into, but didn’t notice the corners sticking out or rounded. Whatever the reason, a small piece of furniture is too big. You will then have to put that particular piece somewhere else as you have likely paid too much to think about sawing off the protruding parts.

A little more entertainment. Much less television?

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More coincidentally than intended, there are plenty of rooms where little conversation is going on as the television has accidentally become the main focus. A simple solution is to move the TV from a central position and then place the chairs facing each other. It would be a real achievement to keep everyone from getting interested in the TV, especially if it’s your debut putting your furniture arrangement ideas into practice.

Please no obstacles!

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Your rooms shouldn’t resemble physical attack courses. All you need is furniture, furnishings, electrical appliances and the main attractions. If something doesn’t fit in the rest of the room, move it to another room that it fits in. Alternatively, you can put it in the attic, garage, or disposal. Nobody wants to fall over anything just to get in their place, or turn something on if they can’t find the remote.

Avoid bringing everything on the edge

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Some people seem to believe that placing furniture on the edge of a room makes it appear larger. This point is controversial at best. However, furniture on the edges of a room makes it difficult for people to move freely in and out of rooms. There is also a large empty room in the middle of the floor.

Use it as an excuse to get rid of stuff

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You could use your experiments with furniture arrangement ideas as an excuse to get rid of things that you no longer need in your home. They really may be stuck on old furniture, but now you have to throw them away.