Wallpapers have made their comeback and are the current trend with their extensive variations. Their vivid patterns and textures fascinate today’s modern public, both on the Internet and on the television. Unlike the various color options, there is a far greater range of choices when it comes to choosing background images. They give a room a creative touch and a striking style.
Image source: The UK and International Design Society
If you are wondering how to choose a wallpaper, the first thing to do is to look at the type and material you need and want. Countless offers are ahead of you as many prints and colors are in stock. You couldn’t find as many prints in the past as you can now. Now there is an impressive number of textures, linen, metallic, vinyl and silk.
Image source: SONA
There are also many more, so you have to pay attention to the lasting quality in addition to the graphics.
Think about the purpose
The purpose of the room is the dictator of its energy. For rooms where more lively action takes place, kitchens, living rooms, and playrooms, the colors are wild and bold as the calm, relaxing surroundings and color take place in the bedrooms. You need to consider how long you think the wallpaper will last depending on the purpose of use. Anything that is delicate and easy to tear is not a smart move for a teenage room, but it may be for a guest room.
Image source: Highmark Builders
Types of vinyl are known for their strength and durability as they look almost authentic and don’t cost that much. The undisputed approach to cleaning makes the vinyl types a popular choice among spaces that are filled with activity and moisture, such as bathrooms and kitchens.
The condition of your walls
The available wallpaper variants are narrower for rough and damaged walls. This shouldn’t be a problem with a wall in great condition, but how often are the walls in perfect condition? For a damaged wall, a textured textile wallpaper is a rate that represents the ideal renovation technique. In contrast, metal foils are flawed because they are very thin. If you prefer flat wallpaper, you can always get wallcovering that you can overlay.
Image source: Hill Mitchell Berry Architects
Tips by style
- Damask and floral prints underline the romantic setting as well as sweet pastel colors.
- Faux surfaces like beadboard and stucco give a casual room the stylish touch that it needs. It’s smart to combine the beadboard with something floral and organic to give it a homely, accessible feel.
- For something more extravagant and bold, geometries used along with high gloss and metallic accents flow with artistic and sophisticated fashion. A touch of floral design would go perfectly.
- The traditional look always surprises – with a touch of detailed stripes and damask, the whole room shines like a timeless classic.
Image source: KBI Interior Design Studios
The lighting
What a dark light can do for a foyer or hallway it can’t do for a small and crowded room. It’s not just about the lighting itself, but how you incorporate it into the overall mood. Think about which rooms to brighten and which ones are better to keep in a vaguely dark atmosphere.
Image source: Malcolm Duffin Design
Look at the colors
Colors are an important factor when it comes to the vibrations of a room. Cooler colors like blue, purple, and green make great backgrounds for rooms that you want to visually enlarge. The balancing effect of soft, cool colors contradicts the noticeably refreshing effect of the stronger, cool colors.
Image source: Sarah Greenman
To warm up the atmosphere, of course, choose the shades of red, yellow and orange. The joy that a room brings could be enhanced by using warm colors because when they warm our design, they also deworm our body and mind.
What’s the statement?
If you’re still not particularly keen on completely papering the wall, there are small steps you can take by laying it in half with breadboard or paint. To simplify the concept, first use simple and soft patterns that will evolve into a clear statement over time. For example, Chasing Papers Bookworm offers an interesting version of a half-wall with a chair rail, located in a study or library, that includes illustrations of a black and white bookcase.
Image source: Lori Levine Interiors, Inc.
Perhaps removable wallpaper is the choice for you. You can put it on many surfaces other than walls, such as: B. Kitchen back walls, coffee tables and drawer fronts.
The size of your budget
There are all kinds of wallpapers, but not all will fit a person’s budget. Expensive fabric wallpapers like hemp, flocked velvet, and grass blanket have a deliciously beautiful feel and add real class to the room, but their price and payment in installments are quite expensive as they are durable and mostly handled by professionals. Trying to use certain wallpapers and not having enough money for it shouldn’t make you buy something cheaper to make up for it. Instead, consider a wall with a feature.
Image source: GLOBUS Builders
For the Frequent Redecorator
If you’re a change lover, wallpaper is probably one of the many things that you often experiment with. For the more experimental type, there are real-looking removable wallpaper varieties that are both appealing and effective. Their use is increasing as more and more people prefer to change the look of wallpaper frequently with new ideas for decorating the interior.
Image source: MK real estate photography
Wallpaper pattern
Finding a design you like should be easy by looking at the wallpaper interior design pictures if you are looking for something that will satisfy your aesthetic hunger. Even if you fall in love with a particular design, you should consider its effect in the room. The pattern you choose may not match the room you choose. These tips may help you choose your wallpaper design:
Image source: Angel Mangarakov
- A horizontal pattern is best when you want to expand the room and lower the ceiling, as vertical patterns would make it appear higher.
- Avoid large patterns in small rooms, as this will make them look even smaller. Save the large patterns to open up a larger space.
- Mini-prints are small patterns that successfully complement compact spaces.
- Use dark wall colors to visually reduce the size of a room.
- Lighter and softer patterns with vivid colors expand the space.
For a feminine atmosphere, floral and botanical prints are mostly used. Powder chambers, cupboards, and laundry rooms look dainty and busy with tight floral prints. Medium size prints are used in all types of rooms because they look great regardless of the size of the room. Large prints decorate living rooms best because they take up space.