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Work from home with these good colors for the home office

Work from home with these good colors for the home office

Each room requires a special set-up and attention, which depends mainly on its function or purpose. That means interior design is a serious plan and combination. and connect material elements with feelings and needs.

For example, living rooms are social areas that have to appear dynamic, while bedrooms have to be encouraged through relaxation and serenity. Home offices are a special case in which design seems to blow hot and cold.

It is not uncommon for people to be confused when deciding how to decorate a home office. The process is quite contradictory indeed: you are supposed to create a work environment that motivates you, but you still expect it to be comfortable and homely.

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At the same time, offices should be elegant and charming, but not so distracting from your professional activities.

This is why color schemes are so important for office colors. Choosing good colors for the home office is important as it has the final say on how the office will look or function. The versatility of colors makes it difficult to choose, especially if you don’t know how to feel about each one.

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By narrowing down the choices, we can divide the colors into more and less suitable colors for a work area. However, choosing the best colors for home office color is individual and depends on what you really like or enjoy.

Indeed, finding an ideal color solution is a challenging process. First of all, you would need to think about colors that create a positive mood and you want to work even harder on your assignments.

It sounds like common sense, but a lot of people don’t get it (look at all those black offices that look sleek and sophisticated but are the number one cause of persistent headaches!). Why would you do this to yourself?

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Wouldn’t it be easier to choose colors that make you happy or that have an obvious impact on your peace of mind and productivity? Energetic decisions are important in offices too, provided they are not too strong or overwhelming.

The first thing to consider is the nature of your job. Is it a creative profession that requires details and motivation? Is it the position of accountant that you need to focus on with a lot of numbers? Obviously, offices vary by profession, which is why everyone can benefit from different color schemes.


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Does your job require a lot of thought and analysis? Should you consider different options? If so, choose the mentally stimulating blue.

Blue has the power to calm people down, which is why stressed workers like to have it in their offices. Also, there are many shades with different effects (for example, turquoise promotes sociability and communication, which makes it a perfect choice for communicators, call agents, etc.).

Dark blues, on the other hand, create trust and security and make a place look balanced and harmonious (have you ever wondered why some banks have blue logos?)

Since we are talking about a cold color, we should keep in mind that occasional pops of warm orange or yellow can add to the emotions in such an office.


Purple is also a very smart choice as it is often related to peace, intuition, and wisdom. Just like blue, purple, it will likely relax the mind and fully involve people so that they can focus on their tasks.

Because of this, it is the favorite color of academics or other workers who rely on intellect and critical thinking.

Still, there is a significant difference between dark and light shades of purple: the first can make a room look really dramatic, while the second imposes a calm and soothing tone.


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There is no better way to relax than to be surrounded by expansive “green”. Green offices are perfect for stressful jobs or jobs that involve fear, short deadlines and a lot of responsibility.

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The more demanding your work, the more green your office would use. As usual, different shades have different interpretations. However, we recommend a mild green for your walls or the largest pieces of furniture you have in your office.

As rich as a palette is, green is always the first color that attracts and sustains attention. Results-oriented people prefer green because it keeps them stable, motivated, and ready to balance between different activities.


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Have you ever wondered why reminders and stickers are mostly yellow? The answer is that they will help you focus and strengthen your memory.

As a creative worker (writer, designer, painter, etc.), you may not be inspired by dark and cold colors (e.g. blue).

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The right choice for you is warm nuances, or any shade you do could bring your creativity to the table. Most creative people like to experiment, which is why they support playful concepts and bold, warm solutions.


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Orange has the power to transform even the most boring room into a motivating environment full of energy and positive vibes. What more could you ask for to get the job done? Orange is your best friend when you want to increase the productivity of your work.


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The same as orange, red will keep you motivated and full of energy. According to some studies, red can even increase your work speed, which is why many people with high workloads make this choice. Even so, the color is very intense, which is why you should avoid large and strong doses.

As you already suspect, shortened timing can have serious drawbacks, which is why designers sometimes blame red as the culprit for serious work mistakes.

Analyzing what has been said, we can conclude that red is more productive for physical work because it stimulates the body rather than the mind.

Even so, any low-stress job could benefit from red accessories, as well as motivating work without necessarily raising blood pressure.

Additional tips for office painting

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Choosing the right colors for your office isn’t just about looks and aesthetics. It also highlights the need to purchase excellent quality paints so that large and important elements are not damaged over time.

Oversized furniture is expected in an office (e.g. wall-to-wall shelves). That means you should coordinate pallets in larger spaces than the usual.

There are many things to consider when buying office paint. You need to be aware of the effect of the color, undertones, exposure to natural light, or any other event that can affect the attractiveness of the place.

Fortunately, with the help of digital technology, we can check that a color will match an already furnished office and choose another to combine with it.

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Still, don’t take these concerns as a personal effort: investing in a decent color choice is very beneficial in terms of both main elements and accents (if red is your primary choice, choose similar decorations that make an even stronger statement).

Another benefit is that sellers usually have pre-planned sets, both with similar or contrasting colors that are pleasing to the human mind.

Lastly, you should be very careful with the type of paint that you apply. Glossy colors create more energy, while their flat counterparts calm and calm the environment.

We recommend that you use environmentally friendly paints, e.g. B. volatile organic compounds (low VOC) as you will spend a lot of time in your office.

Painting is an investment, not an expense

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That’s so true! While repainting and remodeling can take the pressure off the bag or run out of time and effort, it’s a process that makes your job enjoyable and productive. Basically, this means that you are investing in your future.

Wherever your home office is located (a sunny room or even an attic), colors can transform it and make it a personal haven of success.