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Useful tips for designing a loft

Useful tips for designing a loft

Living in a loft and designing it to be your sweet haven is a unique experience. Loft decorating ideas include unexpectedly tall and dramatic windows, open floors, and a beautiful flow of light to keep the place fresh during the day and catch a glimpse of your city’s amazing night lights.

With this in mind, loft design ideas are the most modern and industrial, and it is not uncommon for there to be plumbing, concrete, and exposed pipes in one of these homes.

Useful tips for designing a loft12 Useful tips for designing a loftImage source: Chipper Hatter architecture photographer

The original idea of ​​living in a loft belongs to artists who preferred to be a bit isolated and do their job, inspired by the amazing views lofts offer.

Useful Tips For Designing A Loft 11 Useful Tips For Designing A LoftImage source: David Howell Design

After that, it seemed that such a lifestyle also suited people who had nothing to do with art but just didn’t want to deal with split walls and overwhelming decoration.

As I said, lofts are all-room-in-one solutions and therefore apply to any person who prefers calm and simplicity.

Here are some useful tips for designing a loft.

Before anything else

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The first task before jumping on to decorating your loft is to get rid of what you’ve been told about it and forget about any preconceived ideas about decorating.

When designing your loft, think of it as your masterpiece: bring up any artistic ideas, mix and test colors to find the right combination, and think about how the overall theme should look in the end.

The principle “less is more”, which is so widespread in all areas of interior design, does not have to apply to the attic as well: As long as you keep the clutter and functionality low, you can bring in anything you want.

The second thing you need to do to prepare for a loft home is to come up with the most practical storage solutions. Lofts aren’t usually divided into a few separate areas, and everything you own is brought to the notice of your visitors.

Pick a style

Useful tips for designing a loft6 Useful tips for designing a loftImage source: Prentiss Balance Wickline Architects

Lofts are mostly contemporary in design and prefer clear, slim lines, neutral colors and smooth surfaces.

The materials are usually natural and include stone, wood, fancy metal, and fake glasswork, although many creative people prefer to make them warmer with plants and rich, traditional fabrics.


Useful Tips for Designing a Loft 14 Useful Tips for Designing a LoftImage source: CCS ARCHITECTURE

Loft dwellers usually complain about the lack of storage space, as large and open spaces don’t offer as many options for stacking bedding, hanging clothes, or storing personal items.

In this case, we have to learn from our ancestors: there were no closets in the past and people had to make up for this with storable furniture such as cupboards, buffets, platform beds or the typical porcelain cupboards.

The good thing about them is also that they don’t cost too much even if we try to build up our own storage in creative ways, with a few square blocks of storage showing up in interesting ways.

People go so far as to put storage first, using centrally placed fireplace surrounds, shelves and bins casually covered with cloth skirts, or even murals with few shelves inside.

Combine colors

Useful tips for designing a loft3 Useful tips for designing a loftImage source: Habitar design

Preferred loft schemes are neutral and include lots of white and beige surfaces. This is because the space is open and needs to please the eye with a single color palette and emphasize the unity of the place.

Still, don’t be afraid to break the monotony with color and add bold splashes to balance out the shell tones wherever you find it necessary.

Painting effects are essential only for adding interest. So even paint an entire wall or add stripes to change the sheen.

The ceiling problem

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Lofts usually have high ceilings and exposed beams and similar plumbing. If you don’t find this solution eye pleasant, camouflage it with darker decorations. Sometimes painting the bars is enough to make it look lower.

The creative among you may even consider bringing in some new architectural elements, such as: B. Shapes to make the ceiling appear lower. Other similar tactics include hanging large vertical paintings or buying furniture that is taller than usual, such as cabinets and bookcases.

Wooden floor

Useful tips for designing a loft8 Useful tips for designing a loftImage source: Nicole Hogarty

We have long surpassed the carpet trend of covering all floors from wall to wall with annoying and difficult to maintain carpets.

The preferred solution these days is to extend our rooms with wooden floors, which is why some of us believe that wood is not a smart loft solution.

But why reduce the impression of spaciousness? Most of us choose loft houses because they are big and instead of trying to wrap them up we should let our imaginations run wild and try to make the most of the space we have.

For example, you can try using a nice and sustainable maple floor and coloring it in warm ebony tones or blurs and shades of gray.


Useful Tips for Designing a Loft1 Useful tips for designing a loftImage source: Design 1 kitchen & bathroom

Let’s face it: when designing a loft we just have one raw and huge room with the ceilings being disproportionately high and nothing suggests any division or simplifies the process of bringing that place together and converting a home.

Therefore, our initial task is to rescale the place and ensure that our furniture is not lost in the void without function.

The best way is to choose larger pieces of furniture with striking colors that contrast our endless, neutral walls, or rethink the lighting and illuminate areas separately rather than hanging central pendant lights.

Remember, as beautiful as it is, your luxurious chandelier isn’t going to impress anyone hanging ten feet from their heads – you need to bring all pendant lights to a human level.


If you want your loft to appear larger than it is, use mirrors.

They don’t cost too much as you only have to buy one or two (ideally simple and with no frames that could distract the simple industrial scheme) and strategically place them in places where they can reflect most of the incoming sunlight in yours Room.

For lofts without natural sunlight, you can use mirrors across from your windows to reflect the sunlight and add instant brightness to your space.

Decentralized lighting

Useful Tips for Designing a Loft5 Useful tips for designing a loftImage source: Estrada design advice

The lofts are completely open and very large, which is why integrated lights and clap spots in the middle of our rooms do not exactly help to underline the way in which we have set up and arranged furniture elements.

Instead, we should consider the closeness of the furniture to the light and define more than one outstanding light area for each part. Now that we have applied the open floor concept, we need to be able to imagine a partition without walls, such as dining, sitting or sleeping sections, and light is a good means of achieving this.

Vintage posters and advertisements

Useful Tips for Designing a Loft 10 Useful Tips for Designing a LoftImage source: Antique market

Why not make a retro loft? Gather some nice vintage ads and hang them on the walls for your visitors to enjoy.

Most of these ads and posters can be bought in antique stores. However, you can also use retro magazines or download Lucky Strike ad replicas from the internet.

Print them out, frame them, and spice up the place with some old school creativity.


Useful tips for designing a loft9 Useful tips for designing a loftImage source: PURVI PADIA DESIGN

Lofts are usually accompanied by great views, but the problem with their large windows is that they can’t really protect your privacy and can expose your space to extreme weather conditions if you don’t cover them properly.

You can use sheer and translucent panels of fabric to get both privacy and the amount of natural light any room needs.

Another suggestion to keep in mind is shutters and blinds, as you can open them to let in the morning light and close them later to keep your attic out of sight of people in the afternoon.

Work lofts

Useful tips for designing a loft2 Useful tips for designing a loftImage source: Shed architecture & design

Many people would never think of living in a loft because they see it as a New York-style artist’s studio that, while a quiet haven, doesn’t have the necessary conditions to live in.

However, the truth is that you can use Loft for both purposes: choose a work area and dedicate it (depending on the nature of your job, try to choose an area near the window).

Cozy loft has perfected the ability to nurture creativity and living in them is often the only incentive to nurture our talent.

Personalize it

Useful tips for designing a loft4 Useful tips for designing a loftImage source: Tracy Schneider Design

What you will enjoy most when designing and furnishing your loft is the complete freedom you have to implement your creativity and unique ideas.

The first association everyone has with lofts is that they are raw and unfinished, and that’s exactly what lofts represent – large and open spaces where there are no rules and the possibilities are simply endless!

Hence, you’re allowed to completely mix your antiques and traditional carpets with modern stainless steel equipment to break the neutral schemes with bold leather couches or even reuse furniture in unusual ways – whatever you think is beautiful, keep doing it!