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Top 4 Feng Shui Tips for Better Sleep

When it comes to bedroom design, many people focus on making their bedroom aesthetically pleasing. As long as guests come by and aren’t embarrassed about the look of your bedroom, everything’s fine, right?

Not correct.

Your bedroom shouldn’t be designed for house guests. Creating an aesthetically pleasing bedroom is certainly nice, but that shouldn’t be your top priority.

Your bedroom is where you sleep, so your top priority should be designing a bedroom that will allow you to get a good night’s sleep.

And one way to do this is with the right bedroom feng shui.

Read on to learn the five most important feng shui tips for getting better sleep.

What is Feng Shui?

Before we get into the 5 tips, let’s talk a little about Feng Shui first.

Feng Shui is an ancient art and science that was formulated in China over 3,000 years ago. The word Feng literally means “wind” and Shui means “water”.

In Chinese culture, these two things are associated with good health. Hence, the words Feng Shui eventually developed into happiness.

Over time, thousands of practices have been developed to promote good Feng Shui. For example, furnishing your home in a certain way is a practice to promote good feng shui.

1. Get a big enough bed

First things first, you need to make sure you are getting a big enough bed.

Feng Shui experts say that a bigger bed is better for you because large beds are more likely to promote a good night’s sleep because they allow more energy (also known as chi) to circulate among them.

spacious, modern bedroom Top 4 Feng Shui tips for better sleep

Also, according to the laws of Feng Shui, you can encourage a better sense of togetherness between you and your partner in a larger bed.

Make sure you put a lot of thought into bed selection. The headboard, box spring bed and mattress should be carefully selected. For a really good night’s sleep, you should too Try a hybrid mattress.

2. Keep your space tidy

The old adage “less is more” is especially true for Feng Shui.

Overcrowded closets, beds, dressers, and storage spaces can create energy blocks and add to the chaos in your room.

5 Decor Experts Top 4 Feng Shui Tips for Better Sleep

You should be extra careful with the space under your bed as the energy from what is under your bed can be transferred to you when you sleep.

However, if you have a small apartment and have no choice but to store things under your bed (hello, New York renters!), Only keeping soft items like extra sheets, pillows, or blankets is recommended.

3. Essential oils are just as essential as plants

According to the principles of Feng Shui, plants are a great addition to any bedroom.

This is because the green color the plants can calm your eyes and put you in a good mood. When you wake up in the morning, there may be no better way to recharge your batteries than seeing a living plant.

Essential oils, especially lavender, rose or frankincense, are great for creating soothing energy in a room before bed.

4. Let air circulate

Stagnant air is terrible for the feng shui of your room.

If possible, open a window to allow new energy to circulate inside.

However, if you live in a noisy area and you cannot open a window, bring a fan instead.

With these four tips, you should be well on your way to creating a feng shui friendly bedroom.