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The most common interior design myths and misconceptions

The most common interior design myths and misconceptions

Successful interior design can either take years or a single right touch to transform a dusty and dull room into a comfortable and stylish cradle.

It all depends on whether we know how to do it, or in the most complicated cases, on knowing exactly what we want.

The best way, of course, is to hire a skilled designer and explain what we want, but many people deny this due to the numerous interior design misconceptions that have been going on for years.

At the end of the day, what makes you think that what happened to someone else is going to happen to you too?

To do this, we’ve gathered and debunked some of the most common interior design myths and misconceptions:

Myth: If you hire someone, you break the bank

Most common myths about interior design misunderstandings1 Most common myths and misunderstandings in interior designImage source: Michael Molthan Luxury Homes Interior Design Group

How can you know before you ask? Your DIY project could cost double your expenses hiring a designer. So compare the areas in advance.

Either way, designers will ask you about the budget you can afford and they will offer options that don’t go beyond what you can spend.

Plus, you can always follow their work and change the things that you don’t like. This is far less risky than making last-minute changes yourself.

Interior designers have been trained to predict what you will need, but that doesn’t mean you can’t share your ideas and be included in the process.

The real value of good designers is that they come up with a solution before you’ve even told them what you like, and they know how to pull even the most capricious ideas into a modest budget.

Myth: Designers only change a few fabrics and their job is done

Most common myths about interior design misunderstandings3 Most common myths and misunderstandings in interior designImage source: Philip Nimmo Design

Due to the fact that you are not in the interior design industry, you cannot really appreciate the challenge of making a space beautiful, safe and functional at the same time.

What seems to be playing with colors and fabrics is determining the needs of your space, adapting to architectural plans, complying with building codes, standards and regulations.

As you can see, interior design is far from easy.

Your job is to choose a knowledgeable and accredited designer and believe that what he has studied goes way beyond choosing colors from the color wheel.

Myth: It has to be a woman

Most common myths about interior design misunderstandings4 Most common myths and misunderstandings in interior designImage source: Philip Nimmo Design

The mere fact that women dominate the world of fashion design doesn’t make them the leaders in interior design either. They may be seen as more creative and patient, but statistics still show that it is more often men who make a living as interior designers.

Myth: You pay her to do things you could do yourself

Most common myths about interior design misunderstandings2 Most common myths and misunderstandings in interior designImage source: Michael Molthan Luxury Homes Interior Design Group

This is the biggest misunderstanding of all. It is true, many people have a keen eye for color and shape and can make their living space amazing without the help of anyone.

Even if you are one of them, there are plenty of valuable advocates your designer can give you.

First of all, designers visit trade shows and showrooms that they do not have access to. At the same time, they are following trends you don’t have time for and they have access to professional help in case they get stuck with ideas.

Their degrees guarantee that they will know a great deal about interior design and they have the practice that you lack, even if you’ve designed amazing projects in the past.

Myth: You will get rid of your old stuff

Most common myths about interior design misunderstandings5 Most common myths and misunderstandings in interior designImage source: Michael Molthan Luxury Homes Interior Design Group

Just because you give them full access to your place for a few days doesn’t mean they will abuse your trust.

In fact, they will be encouraged to mix your old stuff with their new additions, and in both cases they will consult you when it comes to throwing things away.

Customer communication is one of the essential skills you will acquire during your studies. They are therefore trained to respect your opinion, even if it does not match their own preferences.

Instead of setting limits, you don’t care. Try to believe in what they are doing and try to incorporate your own ideas into theirs.

Myth: Your home is small and therefore not suitable for professional design solutions

Most common myths about interior designer misunderstandings12 Most common myths and misunderstandings in interior designImage source: CDA DESIGN

How exactly does “small” prevent “professional”? The most important thing design designers have to offer is turning even the worst of places into cozy havens and making the most of your limited budget.

Be brave and leave your place in their hands – you will be amazed what you can do with it!

Myth: They won’t take your tastes into account

The most common myths about interior design misunderstandings10 The most common myths and misunderstandings in interior designImage source: Charles Cunniffe Architects Aspen

A home is meant to reflect the personality of its owner, and designers know that very well. None of them are going to try to impose perfect, false environments on you that you are not comfortable doing your daily activities in.

Again – designers don’t even mix what they want with what you want and get to know your list of requirements before they begin. In fact, they all need a clear picture of the end result that you need to approve in advance.

Myth: You are omniscient

Most common myths about interior designer misunderstandings6 Most common myths and misunderstandings in interior designImage source: Michael Molthan Luxury Homes Interior Design Group

The fact that designers know a lot more than the average layperson doesn’t mean they know everything. So expect them to ask a lot of questions.

They will use their knowledge to the extent that you ask them to, but fill the information gaps with your own ideas about what needs or needs to be done.

Of course, every designer wants to know what they want, but they know that such scenarios are never successful. After all, we are all human and have different perceptions of what is beautiful.

Myth: You are persistent and inflexible

Most common myths about interior design misunderstandings8 Most common myths and misunderstandings in interior designImage source: Sneller Custom Homes and Remodeling, LLC

Had they been like that, they wouldn’t have been in the scene for a while. You may think this is because you are thinking based on these design realities, but no designer is that persistent when making a living from your project.

Myth: You live in a perfect home

Most common myths about interior design misunderstandings11 Most common myths and misunderstandings in interior designImage source: Renocon design

Yes, we all think that about her. The funny thing is that designers are usually so busy designing other people’s places that they neglect the ones they live in.

Of course, they have everything to make their home perfect (and many of them have!), But that’s not always the case.

Like any employee, they steal a few hours here and there from their schedule to work in their own place. As you can imagine, that’s not nearly enough.

Myth: Designers don’t care about functionality

Most common myths about interior design misunderstandings7 Most common myths and misunderstandings in interior designImage source: Michael Molthan Luxury Homes Interior Design Group

Designers are not just simple artists who care more about looks than anything else. They are familiar with codes, laws, requirements and complex room design techniques, which makes them the right people to optimize your space and make it more functional.

Myth: You won’t have enough money to respond to your plan

Most common myths about interior design misunderstandings9 Most common myths and misunderstandings in interior designImage source: LMK INTERIOR EQUIPMENT

Again, designers are building conceptual planes to achieve your goals without exceeding your financial constraints.

If they suggest something more expensive than you can afford, you can always explain the situation to them and ask for something more basic.

Plus, plans aren’t permanent, and you can change almost anything along the way before you even reach your final destination.