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Should you buy bunk beds with trundle?

Should you buy bunk beds with trundle?

Your children might have close friends who often sleepover. Should you want to accommodate them, bunk beds with trundle would make a good solution. A twin bunk bed and the trundle bed may easily rest 3 or 4 children. One kid could slumber on the top bunk, 1 or 2 additional kids on the base bunk, and the 3rd or 4th kid on the trundle bed. To help you prevent fatal or serious injuries from falls or entrapment, do not allow a kid less than 6 years old on the top bunk, and make certain that the upper bunk has guard-rails on the two sides.

A trundle bed really is a low bed which is moved on little wheels or trundles, so it could be pushed under a bed with more height. Trundle beds make a perfect space saving strategy that allows for an additional separate bed, but would not need any extra room to be constantly available. When you do not need to use the lower bed anymore, you could remove the mattress and treat the trundle as your storage drawer.

Perhaps the very best feature this one particular bedroom furniture could offer would be that when you no longer use the trundle bed, you just slide it back underneath the bottom bunk, and the space which was once used for sleeping would now be open for your kids to play in.

Should you want to buy bunk beds, below are some useful tips for you:

*. Find one that has rounded edges, sturdy construction, a smooth finish and hardware which does not stick out. It should not have any sharp points, and also the footboard and headboard should never have any kind of protrusions or cutouts.

* The tops of ladders and corner posts should be less than or equal to 3/16-inch on top of the bed upper rail.

* Bunk beds designed for kids would relatively be safe, however you ought to nonetheless take safety measures: Make sure that you do not change the structure, buy one which has a strong foundation, and examine the bunk bed every now and then to make certain that the step ladder is attached securely.