Home / Interior / Rockledge Residence – Amazing beach house designed by Horst Architects and Aria Design

Rockledge Residence – Amazing beach house designed by Horst Architects and Aria Design

Rockledge Residence – Amazing beach house designed by Horst Architects and Aria Design

If you want to sit next to a sparkling blue pool and breathe in the fresh sea air, the Rockledge Residence is for you. You are likely to appreciate the modern furniture as you admire each piece for its elegance and sophistication whenever you have the time.

Your friends will enjoy lying on the soft white sand after a long day at the office or on the weekend. Couples spend a romantic weekend whispering blissfully sweet things in each other’s ears until morning.

Treat yourself to a cold glass of lemonade and watch the world go by. Rockledge Residence is a haven for you to reflect on yourself and your loved ones at home. Encourage your little ones to explore their sandy paradise to their heart’s content.

You can have the most memorable stay you can imagine breathing the fresh, salty air and drinking in the gentle scene around you. Your friends will experience the joy of wandering from their vacation home at Rockledge Residence to the glistening white ceiling whenever they want.

In conclusion, couples will appreciate their romantic escape when they relax and whisper sweet things to each other all night long.

80962478410 Rockledge Residence - Amazing beach house designed by Horst Architects and Aria Design

80962491689 Rockledge Residence - Amazing beach house designed by Horst Architects and Aria Design

80962497424 Rockledge Residence - Amazing beach house designed by Horst Architects and Aria Design

80962505757 Rockledge Residence - Amazing beach house designed by Horst Architects and Aria Design

80962512238 Rockledge Residence - Amazing beach house designed by Horst Architects and Aria Design

80962516381 Rockledge Residence - Amazing beach house designed by Horst Architects and Aria Design

80962520334 Rockledge Residence - Amazing beach house designed by Horst Architects and Aria Design

80962525116 Rockledge Residence - Amazing beach house designed by Horst Architects and Aria Design

80962531537 Rockledge Residence - Amazing beach house designed by Horst Architects and Aria Design

80962537009 Rockledge Residence - Amazing beach house designed by Horst Architects and Aria Design

80962668125 Rockledge Residence - Amazing beach house designed by Horst Architects and Aria Design

80962674696 Rockledge Residence - Amazing beach house designed by Horst Architects and Aria Design

80962687164 Rockledge Residence - Amazing beach house designed by Horst Architects and Aria Design

80962693607 Rockledge Residence - Amazing beach house designed by Horst Architects and Aria Design