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Reasons use low voltage lighting for landscaping

Reasons use low voltage lighting for landscaping

The popularity of commercial lighting and residential lighting is growing so fast and it has made end users start looking for components and systems that bundle easy installation and security in a single package. Since most landscape lighting is mostly known to be DIY projects, most industries replace the standard 12V systems with 12V that are commonly used for landscape lighting.

A low-voltage system is easier to modify to suit the ever-changing needs for landscape lighting. In addition, they use smaller light sources that are easier to maintain and safer compared to high voltage light sources. In an attempt to standardize 12V low voltage lighting systems, various types of downlink transformers have been made available by manufacturers to convert the 120V source to a 12V source. Below are some things you need to look at when planning to use low voltage lighting for your landscaping project.

Light quality

Some people suggest that when you use low voltage lighting, you can get more luminous white light. Actually, this statement is more controversial because the difference between the light quality from low voltage and high voltage is not very discernible. However, the low voltage produces what is called a crispier beam.

Energy saved

Does the low voltage lighting type save energy? This is also a matter of controversy for many. But to solve things, they save a lot of energy, especially when used with dimmers. Dimmers offer control over the lighting, which increases the aesthetic appeal as well as the financial impact on the electricity bills. Dimmers also require the integration of downstream transformers because they have their voltage capacity.

The life of the lamps

This is also another interesting topic that really needs to be verified when it comes to low voltage lighting. The use of low voltage actually increases the life of the lamps compared to the standard voltage lighting. However, some people believe that there is no noticeable difference between the life of a low voltage lamp and the standard voltage lamps. When tested a number of times, low voltage exceeds the standard voltage illumination.


It is quite obvious that low voltage offers more versatility than line voltage lighting. It is possible to use a wider range of light bulbs and therefore increase the variation in beam size. They also support the use of many types of lenses that give you more control over the type of light that is thrown. The use of low-voltage types of lighting creates alternatives for installing luminaires in smaller spaces.