Home / Sofa / Modern functionality paired with classic-proven design: Sofa beds in retro style

Modern functionality paired with classic-proven design: Sofa beds in retro style

Modern functionality paired with classic-proven design: Sofa beds in retro style

“Good stuff stays or always comes back.” – This is how the phenomenon of retro style in furniture can be brought to the point simply and succinctly.

In the context of furniture Retro describes the use of stylistic elements for the visual and / or functional design of pieces of furniture that were or were popular in the past. For retro style sofa beds this is shown e.g. in the shape of the upholstery surfaces or in the design of the legs on which the sofa bed stands. If, for example, components from the 1940s, 1950s or 1960s are used, then instead of retro one often speaks of the so-called midcentury style.

Retro sofa beds express a special attitude to life

With a sofa bed in retro style is usually associated with a certain nostalgia, which has a great effect, if you have been confronted with similar furniture in the past and therefore z. B. connects with the carefreeness of their own childhood in their parents’ home.

Find now the matching retro sofa bed for your living needs

With a sofa bed in retro style is usually associated with a certain nostalgia, which has a great effect, if you have been confronted with similar furniture in the past and therefore connects with the carefreeness of their own childhood in their parents’ home.

The one and only retro model can certainly not be defined in the sofa beds because there are simply too many design elements, stylistic devices and epochs that can be used in the manufacture of a modern sofa bed in retro style.