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modern black and white bathroom ideas

modern black and white bathroom ideas

There are numerous ideas to incorporate black and white colours to your bathroom. These two colour have been known to complement each other and bring an elegant look in your bathroom. The two colours can be used in any bathroom regardless of the design used. I will highlight some ideas to use when decorating your bathroom with black and white.

One way to mix black and white in your bathroom is by having black tiles for your shower and also having a black vanity. The rest of the bathroom can be in white but you may still add some colour by adding a diagonal black tile across the floor. This will bring some feeling of movement to your space and also bring a nice look to your floor area. Another way to bring a modern mood to your bathroom is by framing your vanity mirror with shagreen which is a type of leather, black in colour. The leather has a unique texture bringing a warm feel in your bathroom, but it comes at a price.

Electrify the way your bathroom looks by adding an antique storage compartment against a black wall. White accents can then be used for the floor. Another way to add a touch of beauty to your space is by using marble walls. These walls bring an aspect of brightness to your bathroom and the space will truly look sophisticated.

Is there a way to accessorize your small bathroom with black and white? This can truly be done by adding a black and white wallpaper and the place will look great. When doing this, try choosing a wallpaper that will emphasize the room’s height. You can also combine modern and traditional elements by going for traditional black and white tiles and modernizing the look by adding mosaic glass tiles. If you opt for a feminine look, you can do this by having black walls complete with white fixtures in your bathroom.

Most people don’t use black paint for bathrooms as it sort of brings darkness. This can be balanced by having materials that reflect light in your bathroom. Another way to balance the two colours is by having contrasting tiles for your floor.

Therefore, you can make your bathroom look sophisticated by using black and white colours to change its look.