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Latest inspiration for home workspace design

Latest inspiration for home workspace design

When it comes to having the type of office space you want, pictures of cubicles and other stuffy workspace configurations probably can’t come to mind. If you’ve spent any time in an office like this, you know there is better workspace design inspiration. Since our workspaces are such an important aspect of our time, it is important to make sure they are aligned with us. If you are in a creative field or a high demand job, it is even more important to make sure that your home office space is designed as well as possible. Regardless of what you’re up to, you can design the perfect home office space to increase your productivity and wellbeing. Here’s how:

Collaboration is key

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There is a trend for many modern businesses to open up the office design to encourage collaboration and communication. While your home office is a little different, you should focus on a design that takes these aspects into account versus a design that doesn’t if you still need to communicate with colleagues, clients, or others.

One way to do this is to make sure your desk is clear and you have instant access to the communications tools for your home office. When you know you’ll be spending more time on the phone or on video chat services like Skye, make sure those channels are buried under a pile of paperwork or in a secluded location. Thinking about how you want to communicate and work with others, even if you work from home, can create a space where you can expand your communication and thus stay creative and productive.

Make it yours

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For any area of ​​work in the home, it’s also important to realize that that area is yours. If you come from a more traditional office it can be a daunting thought that you can get your workspace design the way you want. But it’s a good starting point for realizing how much freedom you have. While your home is likely already set up the way you like it, it’s of paramount importance that your home office feels the same way to ensure that you are comfortable.

Some of the ways you can do this are simple. Paint the walls a relaxing color and make sure you’ve chosen a room with a window. You can also attach photos of loved ones or even pieces of your favorite art. Since this room is yours, no one can tell you that it is not what it should be. By making it yours, you will be given the opportunity not only to express yourself but also to truly thrive when you are innovative and working hard.

Furniture that feels right

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A great way to ensure that you are comfortable in your space might not be that obvious. When choosing your furniture and creating a workspace at home, choose parts that suit your needs. If you don’t enjoy sitting in a regular office chair for long hours, consider adding a couch next to your desk and chair. Another thing to think about is what type of lighting will work best for you and which one you prefer the most.
Another interesting trend is choosing pieces of furniture that have curves rather than sharper corners. While this may seem a bit strange, research has shown that these curves make it easier for people to feel comfortable. Why is that? This is likely because curves feel more natural and have parallels in nature so that we can feel more relaxed.

Select form and function

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By choosing furniture that is made with quality, you are also giving yourself the chance to truly enjoy that your office is a space that will last. A chair that is comfortable and fits your style is a great choice if you are looking for inspiration for workspace design. Take some time looking for examples in some stores for ideas so you can be sure what is best for you. Also, make sure you have enough storage space to organize yourself.

Keep it natural

When you think of creating a workspace at home, do you think of concrete walls and boring style? Probably not! But don’t forget an important piece: nature. Once you’ve got all of the furniture in place, you’ll want to bring a little bit of nature inside. There are a number of ways to do this, but the easiest and most inexpensive is to get a beautiful plant that you like. When you take in nature, you feel more comfortable around you, which gives you a better sense of wellbeing.

You can choose any color or light!

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It may surprise you, but each color has a certain feel. For many traditional offices, white walls convey little and feel sterile. But for your home workspace, you can go any direction you want. Do you want something bright and exciting? Lighter tones could be something you want, maybe even yellows and oranges. Would you like something more calming and relaxing? Maybe a darker blue or green would suit your personality better. In any case, choose lighting that also suits your mood. Lower lighting will help you relax, while brighter light will keep you more focused.

A window with a view

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As mentioned earlier, making sure you have a window is a big thing in your workspace. Choosing an area from which you have a view of a natural area such as trees or a lake can help you refocus when you need to. Rooms located across from a back yard are ideal as you can also choose what you would like to view every day of your work.

Redesign, redesign, redesign

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Just because you set it up one way the first time doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. The best part about creating a workspace at home is that you can imagine it as many times as you want. Depending on your taste or style, your office can too. Take the time to think about what works and what doesn’t, and never be afraid of changing anything completely. You have this freedom in designing your workspace at home.