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Industrial lamps design

Industrial lamps design

Lamps have a very special influence on the effect of a room. Not only when they are switched on, but also in daylight, modern floor lamps and ceiling lamps usually stand out and attract attention. Accordingly, when choosing the right lamps, it is absolutely important to pay attention to the correct integration into the room or apartment or house. Today we want to deal more intensively with lamps in industrial design.

Industrial design timelessly beautiful

In fact, industrial design (English industrial design) merely refers to the separation of design creation from the actual production process. Thus, one finds the industrial design actually in all objects that are manufactured industrially and in mass production. This does not only apply to furniture and furnishings, but also to the Smartphone, the coffee machine or even off-the-shelf garments.
Due to industrialization and mechanical progress, the product design was separated from the actual production. Industrial design was born around the middle of the 18th century during the Industrial Revolution in the UK. Christopher Dressner (4 July 1834 in Glasgow, 24 November 1904 in Mulhouse) is often referred to as the first industrial designer of his guild. Today you can study industrial and product design at the university.

Industrial design in interior design

In interior design, industrial design comes to the fore in a wide variety of variations and products. As we learned above, this actually affects all mass-produced objects. However, this usually means the items that reflect the charm of industrialization particularly well. A representative of this genre would be, for example, the timelessly chic and first industrially manufactured plastic chair by Charles & Ray Eames . The Plastic Armchair was developed in 1950 and is still an absolute visual highlight in every furnishing concept.

Lamps in industrial design

But not only furniture in industrial design have a very special charm, as well as industrial-looking lamps can be quite impressive. Mostly, these lights stand out for their Spartan and functional appearance. Lamps and luminaires in industrial design often use metals such as aluminum or copper. Such lamps make themselves particularly good in a loft or open living room, where they additionally underline the style of the room. The table lamps can also be used very well as a highlight or visual accent in a modern furnished room.

The right bulb makes the difference

In addition to the right lamp but you should also pay attention to the use of the appropriate bulbs. In particular, the light color and the intensity should be tailored to the respective application. For a reading lamp, for example, more luminosity is needed than for the right ambience in the home theater. So you should not simply buy light bulbs like this without planning and determining the exact location. In addition, you can save energy and money, especially in lights that are used regularly and for a long time by the use of economical LED lamps.