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Bedside lamp in gold leaf

Bedside lamp in gold leaf

No matter what age you are, gold is loved by everyone. So why not incorporate gold into the bedroom. Golden light effect in luminaires gives a rich and elegant effect. When incorporated as a work lamp, their purpose should be known. If you want light for reading or other related work, golden light will stress your eyes, so in this case you can go to golden lampshade and mount rode. When the lamp has no particular purpose other than decoration, golden light should not be a problem.

  • A set of clean brushes with soft bristles.
  • Water-based size 8 – oz.
  • Imitation gold leaf
  • Gold candles

    Gold luminaires are difficult to find which is exactly according to your home decor and is expensive as well. However, making them for you seems like a good idea. To do this, you can use the old lampshade that you no longer like or buy a cheap lamp in the desired shape at a local garage at a cheap price. Carefully separate it from the lamp. Clean it and you are ready to recycle or renew it without much investment.

    Material needed for the gold next to the lamp preparation –

    Method of manufacture –

    Start painting with water-based size on the surface or object. Originally it looks milky white in color but when it dries it becomes clear and sticky. Wait until the dimension dries completely. Done with this, you are ready to apply gold leaf. It does not take much artistic on this, all you need to do is that sampling continues when you add foil sheets on the gluing until no surface is left. Using a brush, the sensitive blades maneuver into place and also release the surfaces that have slipped. Now using the same brush, excess foil should be removed to finish the job. The method is super simple and not even time consuming.

    Useful tip – be careful, your seams will be less visible if you use a brush or finger to smooth the gold leaf.