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Best kitchen cabinets to make your home look new

Best kitchen cabinets to make your home look new

The latest trends in kitchen design today may be yesterday’s news when you decide to do a renovation. Look for ideas that combine contemporary accents with timeless style rather than looking for the latest trend.

Since kitchen remodeling is a cornerstone of our work and dominating our customers’ requests, we can help you plan a result that you will love for years. To help you focus your remodeling ideas, we’ve put together a collection of visual inspirations that can help you decide how to go about it.

All of these kitchen cabinets have a contemporary look that you can adapt to any modern home, condo or apartment. We’ve included a variety of color schemes and highlighted a few featured decor treatments. For a warm look, most of these kitchens incorporate wood in their cabinets, floors, or both.

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You will see decorations, including floral arrangements, that add joy and personality. However, to see what is really going on in a kitchen design, take a look at the permanent fixtures, especially the cabinets.

As the emphasis on separate dining rooms decreases and more homes incorporate food preparation areas into dining areas, your kitchen becomes the heart of your home life. Every kitchen revolves around its cabinets.

They make up most of the permanent furnishings, serve as built-in furniture and define and express your style. The best kitchen cabinets will give you the look and functionality you need for convenience, whether you are cooking for a crowd or simply planning a midnight dinner.

Plan ahead

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Before you start browsing design magazines or investing in cabinets, take the time to understand your kitchen area and how it works. Will you be satisfied with a remodel that recreates your current floor plan with new cabinets?

Should your cabinets be what everyone will notice about your kitchen, or do you want a less bold, more practical style? Have you fallen in love with glass shelves, coat hangers to display your best pans, wine storage room, a special pantry or a special area to grow spices? Is your room unusually shaped, narrow, small or divided by doors or other openings that you cannot move due to load-bearing walls?

Answering these types of questions can help you get a head start.

DIY or not DIY?

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Even if you’re familiar with tools or furniture, it’s important not to lose sight of the scope of a kitchen remodeling project. A full replay may involve professionals from a variety of industries, including electricians, carpenters, plumbers, and interior designers. Trying to do it yourself can become an expensive proposition when you are overwhelmed with decisions and details that you did not anticipate.

To give your project the best chance of a great result, get in touch with a professional who can show you how to make your kitchen a more efficient workspace, take accurate measurements, and make renderings to visualize the final design. A professional kitchen designer can give you ideas that you won’t see anywhere else.

Select materials

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To begin your search for the ideal kitchen cabinet ideas, your budget can help you decide whether to go for pre-made products such as: RTA cabinets Or invest in tailor-made solutions that have been specially developed for your home. In the past, your decision may have been based on the type of cabinet materials you preferred, but today’s standard solutions give you everything from traditional woods to stainless steel and glass.

You can pay more for special finishes, solid wood cabinets, or unusual materials, but you will be surprised at what can cover even a modest budget. After selecting your cabinets, let the professionals take precise final measurements for manufacture and installation.

Make the most of your space

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Even the largest kitchen can make you want more work space, especially if your layout doesn’t offer maximum flexibility and convenience. The kitchen cabinet ideas will help you get the most out of every square foot and even make a small kitchen larger than its size.

Vertical organization

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The easiest way to increase kitchen efficiency is to prioritize where to keep your tools and materials. You want immediate access to the mugs that you serve morning coffee in, but you probably don’t mind using a step stool once a year to reach the holiday plates.

If you think vertically, your kitchen cabinets can help you clear clutter from your counters, while at the same time keeping essentials within easy reach. Old fashioned kitchen designs put a set of cabinets over the counter and stop. Instead, plan your cabinets as high up against your walls as possible, with the top space reserved for things that you rarely need.

Clever doors

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Many chefs think of drawers first when planning where to store their utensils. If you’ve never encountered a kitchen utensil to resist, you probably have more than enough whisks, peelers, spatulas, and pounders to fill every square inch of your drawer space.

Adding hanging hooks to the insides of your cabinet doors will create space in the drawer at the same time as storing the tools with the utensils they need. Today’s hanging device goes far beyond the little brass cup hooks from yesterday.

Smart shelves

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When planning your ideal kitchen cabinet renovation idea, think about the interior of your cabinets and how they will fit in your room. To use closet space efficiently, you need to plan how you will install shelving to divide the space into storage units.

It’s okay to stack eight salad bowls together, but if you have to pull the bowls out to get to your plates, you’re wasting time setting the table. Assess what to put in your cabinets, measure the height of your piles and the space above it that will be needed to take them out and put them away, and arrange your shelves to make the most of capacity.

Countertop selection

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You want your countertops to compliment your cabinets and not conflict with them. However, this doesn’t mean you have to do the same surface treatments throughout your kitchen. Mix up materials in different workspaces and use color and texture to draw attention to or move away from areas, depending on how much you want them to become focal points.

Whatever you choose, choose materials that will give you years of service but don’t require expensive maintenance. In addition to stone and marble, check out cultural stone for an inexpensive alternative that you can choose in any color.

Finishing functions

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Add an extra touch of elegance to your cabinets and kitchen with special surface treatments and carefully selected fittings. Some cabinets use smooth, shiny glazes to create a glassy look. Others use matte paints to reduce their reflectivity.

Handles complete the look of your design and give you the option to match or contrast the look of your cabinets. Pair ceramic handles with stainless steel cabinets for a new / old look, look for patinas that simulate well-aged bronze, or choose hand-forged wrought iron for a more rustic touch. When making your choices, consider security considerations, including the need for child-resistant or pet-safe locks.

What’s under your feet?

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In addition to the design of kitchen cabinets, your floors make the second largest contribution to the appearance of your kitchen. You can continue or contrast the look of your walls, and their texture goes a long way in setting the tone for the entire room.

Most kitchens are equipped with tiles, stone, laminate or wooden floors. Each surface has advantages and disadvantages. Ceramic and stone can be expensive and feel cold underfoot. Laminates can inexpensively simulate the appearance of many natural surfaces, but they may lack the durability of real materials.

Wood can add cost and require special care. If your budget allows, think about your flooring based on two criteria: appearance and experience underfoot, and install underfloor heating for barefoot comfort in cold climates.

Nice yours

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The time and care that you invest in planning a kitchen remodel and choosing the ideal cabinets will pay off in years of use and enjoyment. If you’re not sure you’ve found the right look, keep thinking and searching until you get the result that says “I love it”. And if a new or converted kitchen is in your future, give us a call. Our design vision and expertise can help you achieve the ideal result.