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Add sparkle to your home with stunning bird cage flower arrangement

Add sparkle to your home with stunning bird cage flower arrangement

All it takes to make one of these decorative bird cages is three easy steps. Before starting, make sure the birdcage is clean and free of rust and that all bolts and screws have been tightened. It might also be a good idea to paint the birdcage to match your space.

Step 1: Place a layer of moss in the bottom of the birdcage.
Step 2: Line the moss with a layer of soil. You can also add water-retaining gel granules to help protect your plant from dry spells.
Step 3: Fit your plants carefully into the soil. If you have planted succulents, it may be helpful to add a layer of rock or sand on top of the soil.
Bird cages are a great way to get creative and customize a space, no matter how big or small! They have become increasingly popular lately due to their ability to enrich large gardens or patios as well as smaller urban balconies or indoor apartment spaces. On top of that, they’re a really cheap DIY option: if you don’t have an old birdcage lying around, you’ll probably be able to find an affordable one at a thrift store or local yard sale. Birdcage decor will give your space a rich, homely atmosphere while adapting to the specific style and design of your space.