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Expert tips to increase your property value

Expert tips to increase your property value

Buying, selling, and investing in real estate involve some important decisions that can have a huge impact on your life and wallet. Increasing your property value is the be-all and end-all when it comes to taking a big step up.

If you are thinking of selling your home, you’ll want to maximize its value without breaking the bank by doing budget-unfriendly or unnecessary renovations or additions. Making such decisions is no walk in the park. So, be sure to read some of our expert tips to increase your property value and maximize its potential clout. Remember, this is a big decision for buyers as well. Hence, there are many factors to consider. Let’s take a look at some things you can do (and some things you really shouldn’t!) To add value to your home.

Nowadays “all mod cons” really means what it says. How long has it been since you had a boiler overhaul? Leaking taps in the bathroom or in the kitchen? These kinds of things seem obvious and essential, but you’d be surprised how many sellers overlook the basics when selling their home.

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While they’re not photogenic updates like a new granite kitchen counter top, they need to be considered. Remember that your property is fully surveyed before it is sold. So if you have any doubts about the basic functionality of your home, it may be a worthwhile investment to hire a certified inspector to double-check it before selling it.

You wouldn’t go out without shaving, combing your hair, or choosing a nice outfit, would you? The first impression is important. So, if your home looks messy from the outside, it will likely put a potential buyer off before they even cross the threshold.

Paint or replace the front door and add some simple features that will take your gaze away from the less attractive parts of the house (e.g. garage doors or smaller windows). Even simple touches such as tastefully lit windows can really do that Increase your attractivenesswithout breaking the bank. Remember, you are used to how your space looks from the outside. So, take a few photos of the street yourself and look at them with a buyer’s eye. This does not cost you anything and can quickly and easily show you which areas to focus on.

  • Cleanliness is next to saleability

Use electricity to wash the driveway and walls outside. Thoroughly clean the entire propertyor hire professionals to do it for you. Put away all the clutter. Remember, a potential buyer will want to see your home first, not your possessions scattered around it.

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A dirty or overcrowded property is a massive departure for buyers, even if the property itself can be perfect for them. Sorry I sound like your mom here, but once you’ve cleaned up, keep it clean!

If you need to decorate, now is not the time to indulge in these interior designer’s fantasies. Keep the shades light and neutral. Light is an important factor in adding value to a property. The more natural light, the better.

Update the lights if necessary (and if you will likely show the property in the evening) but keep them simple and elegant. You want to present your space as a blank canvas for the next owner.

It is a fact that the bathroom and kitchen are the most studied rooms in your home. If you have a kitchen or bathroom that is old but still works well, Think about repainting or updating certain functions (new taps, splashes of paint on old cupboards or simply newer accessories such as bath mats or utensil holders). If your bathroom or kitchen is completely out of shape, consider a major overhaul, and possibly an overhaul. While this may seem expensive, it is common knowledge that these are great selling points for a property.

The old adage “If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it” really applies here. If you are lucky enough to have a place with a large outdoor area, DO NOT put a pool there. Not only is it costly to install, but it is also a real burden for the future owner if they would prefer a nice large lawn.

If you have a guest room or garage, DO NOT try to convert it into a playroom or playroom. Again, keep in mind that the buyer may initially prefer a garage or guest room. It could be theirs, so let them modify it to their liking (once you’ve sold it to them, of course).