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Crucial aspects of minimalist design

Crucial aspects of minimalist design

Minimalism is a popular term that you can hear in all walks of life from design to web content. Different people mean something else by this; The term “minimalism”, however, has its absolutely specific meaning in art (from where it spreads throughout life including living space).

Minimalism is all about simplicity and elegance, achieved by using the minimum of essentials for the maximum impact. Color, shape and texture are the main elements that help to create the minimalist impression of “breathing”, a clear and stylish space.

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However, creating a minimalist design is not that “easy”. Whether you are looking for a professional interior designer Create an online portfolio In order to attract new customers or just a newbie looking to improve the quality of your home or office, you need a strategy.

Here are some key principles to help you understand the basics of minimalism.


Minimalist interior design can be described as “less is more”, the famous phrase of the world-famous architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.

Keeping shapes, shapes, lights, textures, and colors simple and minimizing decorations are keys to creating an efficient, predictable, and straightforward minimalist design. Simplicity applies to everything from wallcovering and paneling to furniture.

Clean, clear and well-lit rooms

Do you know why minimalist interior design gives a sense of calm? This is because we feel calm and comfortable in airy, clean, and organized spaces, while clutter is linked to higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol (see this study by UCLA).

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If you clear the room of unnecessary items (think piles of paper, books you have never read, shoes on the front door, etc.) and increase the amount of light, the interior becomes breathable, warm and cozy.

Clutter is the greatest enemy of minimalist design. Because of this, minimalism is first and foremost a lifestyle, then a design. To create and then maintain a minimalist design, you have to be a professional at removing unnecessary objects (or at least keeping them out of sight).

If you’re a collector, investing in stylish storage is a great minimalist solution.

At least no decorations

Avoid accessories and objects unless it is useful. Decorations (if any) need to be simple but artistic to act as the space’s attention center.

Lights have to be laconic, thoughtful and stylish, as light itself can be a decoration. Avoid baroque style chandeliers. Their looks are a real insult to minimalism.

Neutral color base

Minimalism tends to calm and neutralize colors (like white, gray and beige) and avoid bold ones.

Bright colors can still be found in details and accessories. Make sure, however, that you choose natural colors that blend well with the base color (e.g., green, blue, and dark brown).

Quality not quantity

Despite the simplicity of the design and the scarcity of visible objects, “less” doesn’t mean cheap here. It means rather “better”.

Every object that enters your space must be of good quality. Something that is built to last. Timeless instead of trendy. Opt for designer fittings, lights and elegant storage spaces that hide the clutter and at the same time serve as decoration.

Different textures, similar colors

If you only rely on neutral colors to create a minimalist design, the result will be pretty dull and lifeless.

The solution is to use different textures such as glass, wood, canvas, ceramic, fabric or even sheepskin that create a true feast for the senses. As you experiment, make sure you combine textures in similar tones that blend well with each other (look for combinations that you can see in nature).

In the focus of attention

The minimalist design doesn’t have to be soulless. It is highly recommended that you highlight some very special elements, such as: B. a unique piece of furniture, a work of art or decoration, an eye-catching wall design, etc.

However, this accent is only possible if the rest of the view is consistent. This is another reason why you should keep the furniture simple.

Bottom line

Antoine de Saint-Exupery said: Perfection is not achieved when there is nothing left to add, but when nothing can be taken away. “. A design in neutral colors with a lot of empty, clear space and little quality material is a quintessence of minimalism.