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living room dining room combination

living room dining room combination

Natural materials create a feel-good atmosphere in your own home. Also in the dining room a pleasant ambience is required. With high quality solid wood furniture creates a popular meeting place for the whole family.

In the dining room is not only eaten today. The combination with the kitchen and living area creates a communicative center. The facility is therefore given special attention. Furniture that combines timeless design with quality and longevity is especially appreciated.

The central element of the dining room planning is usually the dining table. Some manufactures its impressive tables made of high quality, fine woods. So-called cantilever tables are striking and unadulterated. The edges of the up to nine centimeters thick solid wood panel follow the natural, organic run of the tree and harmonize splendidly with the strong grain.

If guests like to be welcomed, a pull-out dining table is especially practical. Manufacturers have developed an innovative pull-out mechanism that moves the plates effortlessly and thus comfortably enlarges the table. The table legs, also called cleats, are mounted on rollers – so it can be removed without effort with just one hand. A handle in the headrest located on the operating panel is sufficient and the headboard of the table slides out gently. The extensions concealed below the actual tabletop then unfold like wings. In a jiffy, a noble solid wood table becomes a generous table.

Matching the furnishing style  attractive seating. With the comfortable upholstered chair with wooden cleats the leather upholstery can be selected according to individual request.

The appearance of the dining room is harmoniously rounded off by the cupboard and sideboard of the fern line. The furniture fascinates by the symbiosis of cool, smooth surface and organic warmth. On the generously dimensioned door glass surfaces are applied wooden applications that create a lively effect with the natural lines of a closing edge of the tree.