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Buying guide for outdoor lighting fixtures

It is very important to light up the backyard or garden of your home properly. Having the right type of outdoor lighting fixtures can not only give you a sense of security but they also serve the purpose of decorative pieces that significantly enhance the overall look of your home outside. There are many different types of luminaires to use outside your house including spotlight lamp posts and a host of other options. Before buying such a fixture for your house, you need to consider a few things to make the right choice. Some of these things are described in the paragraphs below.

Types of fixtures

There are several types of outdoor lighting fixtures available in the market. Before you start hunting, you need to know for sure what type of luminaire you want to go for. The most common types of such lighting fixtures are described below.

Lamp poles

Lamp poles have been used for a long time now. The ancient Romans and Greeks used such lamps to illuminate their areas. At that time, the lamps were illuminated by burning oil or gas, but in today’s modern times, lamp posts use electric lamps. There are different styles and patterns of lamp posts available in the market. You can choose the one that matches the overall theme of your garden. Getting a solar-powered lamp post is also a good option.


Just like lampposts, lanterns have also been used since time immemorial. Over time, they have also undergone some development and the lanterns of the current age use electric light bulbs unlike the ancient ones which were illuminated by burning oil. Buying a lantern can be a great way to light up your garden or backyard. You can either use one or more lanterns in your garden depending on how much light you need there.

Path Lights

Another good outdoor lighting fixture option is to go for trail lights. Rise lights are basically lights of smaller size that are designed to illuminate the house’s corridors and walkways. You can use a number of lamps of this type to illuminate the entire driveway. They not only look very beautiful when it is dark outside but also give the opportunity to have a clear view during the dark hours.