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Tips for building a balcony garden in your home

Tips for building a balcony garden in your home

No home is the same without a balcony. after all, it plays a different role in the design of the house and in the overall cosiness.

More than often it is part of the living area and is also used as a great place for relaxation and leisure activities.

Other than that, the balcony is the perfect place for growing plants as it gives them the natural light they can absorb. You can make the home of your plants a much nicer place with some balcony garden ideas.

No need to have excessive amounts

Tips for Building a Balcony Garden in Your Apartment2-1 tips for building a balcony garden in your homeImage source: The balcony garden

Too much is never a good thing. So keep in mind that your balcony is a limited area after all. You don’t have to put too many plants or planters in there as they are often overcrowded as so many plants competing for light can have a negative impact.

If you want your plants to grow properly, they should be given plenty of space and nutrients so that you can only do it with a smaller amount.

Ask an expert if you are unsure how much weight your balcony can support. Also, remember that your room is a safe zone in the event of an emergency.


If you’ve just started your project or if you think the floors may need readjusting, the materials you choose need to be durable and weatherproof.

It is good to use high quality pressure treated decking as weight is an important factor in choosing the design you choose. Composite decks, while more expensive, are another way to ensure durability and safety.

Available space

Tips for building a balcony garden in your home1 tips for building a balcony garden in your homeImage source: Jeffrey Erb landscaping

Work with the space you are given. Balconies only have so much space to work, so using walls and railings is a good idea if you are thinking of smart and practical balcony garden design.

It is important to protect your balcony from harsh weather conditions so that you can open up your planting opportunities. If you have wind problems, you can always install a windshield.

It can get a bit tight if you want to incorporate this onto a smaller balcony, and this is where vertical gardening can come in handy.

This can easily be achieved by implementing mountable hanging gardens or making a shelving system from recycled pallets that is even built into piping. These are some great ways to save space on your floors.

Up cycle for gardening in containers

Finding a suitable pot for your plants is not difficult. You just have to pay attention to the drainage.

Drilled ceramics and vintage apple crates work well for herbs, as do glasses, buckets, and old beverage containers like cans. A plant can thrive if it is given a usable pot with good drainage. The design and everything else is up to you.

Don’t be afraid of accessories

Tips for building a balcony garden in your home5 tips for building a balcony garden in your homeImage source: Harrison’s landscaping

It’s always nice to add some real shine to your garden with some accessories. Chinese lanterns hanging from the ceiling are a classic look that will bring life to your space.

Wind chimes and brass bells could also create a happy atmosphere on the balcony. If you are looking for something cheaper, you can always tie a string of fairy lights between pots and plants.

You don’t have to reserve space just for plants. It’s pretty easy to set up water features that will make a lovely addition to your balcony.

Balconies are pretty close to sources of power for water pumps and you can even put interesting lighting there.

Sitting comfortably

Tips for building a balcony garden in your home4 tips for building a balcony garden in your homeImage source: Harrison’s landscaping

How else can you enjoy your beautiful projects if you don’t have a place to enjoy the view? Beautify the balcony with an outdoor sofa or some plastic chairs so that the garden is a place to spend time and relax.

Shrubs or hibiscus

Tips for building a balcony garden in your home 3 tips for building a balcony garden in your homeImage source: Helen Williams Garden Design

Examine the plants you plan to buy and see how much light they can take in. Why not improve the look with some larger shrubs? When properly placed, they can help you achieve a very comfortable and thorough environment.

They may be more expensive, so if you consider a cheaper option, you can always go with hibiscus. Hibiscus plants are small to begin with, but they thrive and grow very well and don’t require a lot of money.

You can also complement their look by choosing dwarf trees or shrubs. This mix of larger containers goes very well with cacti, succulents, and foliage in smaller containers.

You can even fill your hanging baskets with something fun, such as: B. scrambled eggs or trailing plants.

Decorate smart with garden tools

Tips for building a balcony garden in your home6 tips for building a balcony garden in your homeImage source: Chris Snook

Balcony space is not easy to work with, especially when it is small. Storage can be easily solved if you know how to turn your garden tools into stylish decorations.

Try displaying metal watering cans, maybe even spades, hair clippers, and water spray bottles. They look great among plants or hang on the wall as they exude both productivity and visual value.

You can even try a DIY project and improve the aesthetics of the watering cans or water bottles. This is a far better option than using simple storage boxes.

The right arrangement

Tips for building a balcony garden in your home 7 tips for building a balcony garden in your homeImage source: The architecture studio, inc

A focal point would look good on a balcony, as centering the view is very possible and has an effective effect. You can achieve a filled and organized effect by placing different types of containers in a specific arrangement.

Work with as much variety as possible. different heights, widths, and colors – but keep them the same or similar style. You can group them by size by placing the larger ones in the corners and the small ones in front of them and using the medium-sized containers as wall decorations.

Plant climber

Tips for building a balcony garden in your home 8 tips for building a balcony garden in your homeImage source: London Garden Designer

An authentic idea that will really make an impact – plant climbers can be used to cover your balcony railings and walls, and you can even mount them on the ceiling.

As a climber grows, he creates an isolated space that exudes elegance and offers shade and a touch of privacy.

Vegetables are plants too

There are vegetables that don’t take up a lot of space. So be creative and choose something different when building a balcony garden. You have a variety of options. Try growing tomatoes or green onions. Beans and cucumbers are also a viable option. You can also use this to add color to your planters as it is a great way to mark them up and keep them organized.

Spring fling flowers

With the right care and attention, you can make some very visually stimulating little friends in your yard. Flowers are widespread, which means they are very likely to thrive in your garden.

Do some research and find out if a plant needs special care. That being said, any plant will grow fast and great when given a certain amount of sunshine, water, and love.

Balcony garden gadgets

You can always visit places when you see some planting tools for your garden. Your local kindergarten may offer various solutions and equipment that you may not have thought you needed before.

Make sure the solutions are compatible with your balcony because every type of balcony is different and unique. If you need additional help, try taking pictures and showing them to an expert who can help you.

Bring away

The things to consider are the size, the colors and the pots and plants. It’s simple and easy, all you have to do is invest and think clearly.

You will need to customize all of these elements because when they are compatible you will have a perfect space to sit back and enjoy. The walls are yours; A common recommendation is pastel colors and light tones.

The choice of plant depends on your skills and how much time and energy you want to invest. Low maintenance systems are ideal for something with a relatively busy schedule. If you are a pretty free person you will have no problems there so the choice is huge.