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The difference between an architect and an interior designer

The difference between an architect and an interior designer

A great home solution always requires a team of experts: From the assembly to the landscape planner to the interior designer, everyone should adapt their work to your expectations.

This burden is particularly great for the architect and interior designer as they play a leading role in making these expectations come true.

However, many people aren’t sure what the difference between an architect and an interior designer actually is. Who should you hire if you want your entire home to be redesigned?

The difference between an architect and an interior designer1 The difference between an architect and an interior designerImage source: Robert Granoff

The difficulty arises when clients realize that architects have extensive design training, just as designers have certain architectural skills.

This means that both skills are linked and a decision can only be made on the basis of small, seemingly insignificant criteria.

Why Hire an Interior Designer? Why hire an architect? The easiest way to decide is to consider their role in relation to the design initiative.

The difference between an architect and an interior designer2 The difference between an architect and an interior designerImage source: FISHER ARCHitecture

While this often depends on the nature of the project, people will also be forced to calculate responsibility and the number of areas in which one is better than the other.

Here are some basic pieces of information that can help you make this decision:

The role of an architect

The difference between an architect and an interior designer3 The difference between an architect and an interior designerImage source: Cynthia Whitaker Studio

The best way to gauge whether a person should be hired is to know their exact area of ​​work. To this end, we’ve summarized some of the most important roles and responsibilities of an architect:

  • Architects are responsible for the design of a building next to houses, they work in commercial and public business and have to deal with every challenging idea from their clients.
  • Architects are planners – they communicate with everyone involved in the project so that they can create a computerized plan of what the building should look like.
  • They are the best observers and controllers of the building process.
  • You determine the form and deal with all safety and functional issues of future homeowners.
  • They are masters of the balance between aesthetics and functionality.
  • They are trained in math and logic which guarantees you will get a solid and stable building.

Architects are the first to be hired to build a new home.

The difference between an architect and an interior designer4 The difference between an architect and an interior designerImage source: Shannon Kaye

They meet the homeowners before the contractors, listen to their needs and expectations, and propose a detailed plan that includes all external renderings and construction issues.

For this reason, extensive changes cannot be made without consulting the architect. He must be aware of every change and redraw the plans and structure.

The role of an interior designer

The difference between an architect and an interior designer5 The difference between an architect and an interior designerImage source: Alex Maguire Photography

Many people believe that an interior designer’s skills are as simple as revolving around colors and shapes. This is a big misunderstanding.

The role of an interior designer is complex and challenging, which makes it terribly difficult to find a good one. Why Hire an Interior Designer? Let’s check:

  • He is overly trained in planning all types of spaces (residential buildings, hotels, offices, etc.).
  • He can always make a drawing of the most functional and beautiful solution once he is familiar with your ideas.
  • Once you’ve approved its design, it won’t waste any more time creating an ideal location.
  • He was able to assign simple elements, but also to redesign them intensively.
  • He balances between functionality and beauty while his rich knowledge of security codes will save you a lot of worries.
  • He knows what your room should look like, and he always has an idea of ​​how to make it even more beautiful.

Besides, a designer is a communicator. He is a member of both the architecture and construction team and advises or receives advice on your project.

What do architects and interior designers have in common?

The difference between an architect and an interior designer6 The difference between an architect and an interior designerImage source: Beth Dotolo, ASID, RID, NCIDQ

Great architects and interior designers aren’t just decorators – they are professionals who will design your space according to your needs and solve any homeowner’s project.

That’s why their work draws on both science and art: they plan the space as a safe and functional haven, but they put extra effort into making sure it looks amazing.

Both planning and design can become very difficult, creating many problems for the two disciplines to address in their work.

Let’s summarize the differences:

The difference between an architect and an interior designer7 The difference between an architect and an interior designerImage source: The Lykos Group, Inc.

If we had to define one key difference it would be this: Architects plan and design our space (both internal and external) and create the physical separations and relationships in the building.

Interior designers, on the other hand, use this spatial platform that has already been created to create an aesthetic and functional value.

Hence, the job of a designer involves more important tasks than playing around with shapes, colors and sizes. An interior designer can also do a lot for the exterior of your building.

The difference between an architect and an interior designer8 The difference between an architect and an interior designerImage source: Stonewood, LLC

In most cases there is no risk of making the wrong choice. Both architects and designers are professionally trained and have an insight into all essential concepts and principles.

Their education may vary significantly (architecture is more rigorous and regulated around personal choices), but they follow trends and experiences to handle each task.

However, designers are free to disrupt the structure according to their individual perception.

How do I make a decision?

The difference between an architect and an interior designer9 The difference between an architect and an interior designerImage source: William T Baker

The best option would be to hire both: complex projects make them completely dependent on each other, and they rely largely on each other’s expertise to get the desired result.

We are also talking about two creative people who have no problem delivering fresh ideas.

What if you need to rent one of them? Who would it be To be honest, it’s an individual choice and it depends on what you expect.

The difference between an architect and an interior designer10 The difference between an architect and an interior designerImage source: Becki Peckham

If your building is already built and structured, you need an interior designer to help you set it up. Building a home from scratch would certainly require a skilled architect. As suggested above, it is best to set both.

However, the scenarios we mentioned are generalized and unambiguous situations. What would happen to the interior remodeling or remodeling?

Both cases require a serious change in the structure, which immediately implies the hiring of an architect and an interior designer. The architect is responsible for planning a new structure while the designer adapts this structure aesthetically to your needs.

Sometimes the designer has such skills and experience that he becomes part of the renovation team and gives a lot of good and creative tips.

Who comes first

The difference between an architect and an interior designer11 The difference between an architect and an interior designerImage source: Lauren Nicole Designs

The one who is always hired first is your designer. He needs to warn you of possible risks and changes to prevent an overly ambitious project from going too far.

The contractor will most likely specify what kind of professionals you need, or better yet, which ones they would need to hire on their team.

The purpose is always the same: your project has to turn into a beautiful and functional design. Architects and designers ensure that your vision is implemented efficiently.