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Architectural lighting

Architectural lighting

It is one of the fields in electrical engineering, interior design and architecture, which is fully interested in the design system for flash including electric light or natural light or both to satisfy human desires. The design process justifies the activity it is needed for, the required amount, scattering and division, the color of the light for the whole environment or for a specific object.

Architectural lighting design talks about interior and exterior lighting requirements in commercial spaces as well as homes. Lighting can be a compulsion, or it can be for a decorative purpose. In today’s world, many people are willing to pay a higher price for CFL’s long-life compact fluorescent lamps or because LEDs get smaller electricity bills. For example, as a sports complex or the student’s knowledge library is mainly about providing the right amount of light for the connected assignment and e.g. for showroom buildings and warehouses, it is mostly about saving electricity bills through efficiency in the lighting system. It can be understood that architectural lighting design is a piece of the craft space interior or exterior through light. This is lighting completed in performance with architecture. It is about creating an intelligence of atmosphere and place with light as the main medium of expression.

Types of architectural lighting

An architectural lighting is often engaged to highlight the special style and design aspects of a house or a yard. It is usually placed in the area of ​​the entrance, porches and arches, on and around pillars and the surface of structures such as dividers and other structures and to highlights statues, fish ponds or other structural features.

Important aspects of lighting buildings or spaces

First is the artistic appeal from a building. Secondly, the ergonomic aspect is the extent to which lighting plays a role and the third is energy efficiency in waste. These three aspects are considered when lighting designers are at work.

Advantages of architectural lighting design

The design of architectural lighting has an ability to enrich the architecture and form the desired atmosphere it can be in commercial, residential, transportation, hospitality, retail and historic. It bypasses the adaptation conditions. When it comes to the environment, it is efficient, it not only reduces costs but also saves energy and maintenance costs.

Light affects people’s mood and ability to perform tasks. Through architectural lighting, office spaces, buildings and companies can result in safety and comfort for their people.