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Interior design versus interior decoration

Interior design and interior designer are two different terms, although they are often misused when people use them interchangeably. However, they have very different meanings. The purpose of this article is to clarify the distinction between these words and to help you select the right personnel on related projects.

If the question is what an interior designer does, here is the answer. The main difference between an interior designer and an interior designer is that an interior designer has a rich educational background who has received certifications from the various levels evidenced by his knowledge of deep technical skills and a natural artistic talent that emerges from the experience of being successful Provision of interior design services was established.

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When you hire an experienced interior designer, not only will you be completely satisfied as they provide you with a service that provides an attractive, affordable space that is specifically tailored to your needs, but you will also permanently solve your problem and avoid costly mistakes .

They also have a wide range of knowledge about related products, materials, devices and surfaces with which they use their specific expertise in planning, planning and managing projects from HAD to completion. They use the CAD software to formulate construction plans and documents with which they can request, authorize and monitor construction or installation work in a project.

You can also easily deal with acoustics, lighting, sound transmission, structural changes, air conditioning, plumbing, flammability ratings, exterior elements and chimneys. They use their 3D modeling skills to design structures that meet ADA requirements for durability and maintainability. They also connect you with licensed contractors, suppliers, construction departments and other key professionals.

Meet with customers

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It is the responsibility of every interior designer to plan meetings with clients and discuss their decoration needs, room plans and the functionality of their rooms or buildings. You must therefore be able to communicate effectively with your customer and fully understand their requirements so that you can design a structure that meets their criteria.

Most clients have figured out a specific design while others seek your advice and suggestions in order to create the right design for their space. When negotiating with your client in on-site meetings, you need to make sure that your client visualizes the most appropriate design for their space and informs them of the materials, fabrics, colors, patterns and furniture to use.

What they do

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Professional designers need to be familiar with space planning and be able to assist clients with interior design and renovation at every stage from planning the first floor to placing their most decorative accent. They not only improve the appearance, but also the functionality of the room.

Who you work with

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As an interior designer, you need to work closely with contractors and architects to meet your clients’ needs. This applies to all designs from offices, hotels, homes and other interiors.

Interior designers

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Interior designers, on the other hand, specialize in changing the appearance, visual impression and aesthetics of a structure. You can do this by taking advantage of the various fabrics, decorative colors, furniture and other related accessories.

They have the right expertise that will enable them to choose the right color for your wall and the right type of finishes that will add decorative aspects to your space. Unfortunately, they do not have the right specialist knowledge to reconstruct or change standing structures, to make mechanical or electrical changes or to carry out complex activities.

This is because little or no formal education is required as it only takes two years to attain an associate degree, which may or may not be accredited. Most interior designers are either high school graduates or have a lower level of education. There are also no government regulations as they work in the residential sector and have fewer codes, terms and conditions to follow.

What they do

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They are best at shaping any space into a desired shape. They can also help their clients decide on styling, choosing a color scheme, buying furniture and decorating. They are only needed if your room or space needs to be upgraded, renovated or repainted.

Who they work with

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Most decorators do not work with contractors or architects as they are only applicable after construction is complete. Her closest partners are carpenters, upholsterers and other industry professionals who fall under her duty.

What kind and how much experience do they have?

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Interior design is one of the most demanding companies that has many potential dangers for beginners. Interior designers must have at least ten years of experience in established companies to acquire the skills necessary in creating habitable work and living spaces. Anything other than concrete experience causes things to get out of control, even with seemingly small projects.

Are you at home or do you have an office?

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Despite the fact that an operator offers cheaper tariffs at home, they often lack the professional support that an office offers. Before you can choose between the two, you need to have access to the number of requests they can handle, all of the management features supported, and the ability to successfully manage your project.

Should I hire a designer or a decorator?

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The professional you hire depends entirely on your needs. If you want to remodel your structure or add newer windows or doors to it, it is best to hire an interior designer. You have the right expertise to effectively plan and manage structural changes.

The interior designer is the best choice when no structural changes are required. They will help you choose a style, wallpaper, decor or choose the right lighting accessories for your home. They are best suited for non-technical space transformations.

Both interior designers and decorators create breathtaking and functional spaces. However, they fall under different professions. Hence, you should carefully consider your needs before choosing one.

Find the right interior designers and decorators

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Finding a common interior designer and decorator is easy. However, if you are selective enough and only hire dedicated professionals, then you need to do them thorough research before trusting them with your space. Here are some guidelines to help you find a good designer or decorator:

  • Look for professionals with impressive previous work and achievements.
  • Read and understand all of the comprehensive offers that will help you determine what you are paying for.
  • Check their credentials, insurance and qualifications. Determine if they have the right liability insurance.
  • Find the designer who embraces your vision and who you can communicate with easily.
  • Check if the designer is a member of the Design Institute. Look for DI members who are developing professionally to confirm they are familiar with the latest technology and trends.