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Ideas for decorating a rustic interior design

Ideas for decorating a rustic interior design

The rustic decor style mainly focuses on elements that are both unrefined and natural and used in a variety of different styles. Some of the most popular design styles that are considered “rustic” are:

  • Log cabin
  • country
  • southwest
  • Western film
  • Farmhouse
  • hut

The greatest influence of this particular design style is nature. If you take full advantage of this concept, you can create a greener home. One of the greatest ways to achieve this is by using different types of organic materials in the interior of your home. These types of materials also help a lot in terms of health and wellbeing, which is another reason the rustic interior style is so popular.

While natural elements will help make your home feel cozier, make sure you don’t overdo it in such a way that your home looks like a place a wild animal might want to live. Instead, you will want to focus on ensuring that the interior of your home is a “feel good environment” mixed with great style.

Rustic style basics

The color palettes used in rustic decorating style are mostly nature-based tones and can include:

  • Leather or suede
  • Wrought iron or various rusted metals
  • Stone, concrete and / or stones
  • Natural fabrics (i.e. hemp, cotton, animal skins, linen, wool)
  • Tin and / or metals with patina
  • Wooden floors and / or furniture
  • Exterior and / or garden elements

Raw wood and stone

The main characteristic of a modern country house style has always been raw wood and stone. For example, if you have an older home, instead of getting rid of or covering them up, you should do your best to preserve all of the original architectural detail, including any stone walls. Conversely, if you’re building a newer house, consider using a stone fireplace, using reclaimed wood, and exposing the interior joists, for example. Also, consider making your roof A-shaped to showcase the beams that will be used for support.

Simple natural fabrics

Ideas for decorating a rustic interior design 9 ideas for decorating a rustic interior design

The general “natural” feel of a rustic-style home should always translate into any fabric used for furniture and other accessories such as carpets and bedding. Instead of choosing simple fabrics, instead choose colors that are more natural to make your furniture look as neutral as possible.

room with view

Another feature of country style houses that is extremely important, like any other type of house, is large windows. These allow a lot more light and a great view into the house, something that lovers of rustic interior design always strive for.

Modern furniture and amenities

Ideas for decorating a rustic interior design 5 ideas for decorating a rustic interior design

The main goal of rustic furnishing style is to maintain the warmth and charm of a rustic environment while taking advantage of all the conveniences of modern conveniences and furniture. No matter how rustic you want your home to look, you always want to make sure your furniture is always modern. For example, you might want to consider placing mid-century pieces in your home as the combination of wood and unadorned leather is perfect for this style.

Natural color scheme

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The color scheme is rather reserved in nature in an environment that is considered rustic. This means your home isn’t exactly rustic if you want to use lighter colors in a room. Instead, consider keeping your walls white or painting them, or covering them with a natural material like stone or wood.

Don’t forget the fireplace

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To make your home feel much cozier, be sure to include a fireplace, especially a wood-burning fireplace. You can choose whatever natural style you think is more appropriate. However, the two best options are modern style wood and rustic style stone.

Get the style


Use earthy and natural tones. These can include:

  • Tan
  • slate
  • green
  • Amber
  • brown
  • Gray
  • caramel
  • cream


To have different effects in a room that you are working with, it is a good idea to add texture to your walls, which can be achieved by using different surfaces. For example, you may want to use uneven suede or layers of fabric, soft lighting, and rough wood that are already common in rustic decor.


Regardless of the colors you choose for a room you are working with, you should always make sure that your flooring is done by one of two different methods: either stone or wood. You can also emphasize the floor with soft, woven rugs.


The furniture in your interior should be made of wooden objects. For example, use tree trunks, usually pine, for tables or seating to make your home look even more rustic. In addition, you can use furniture made of metal instead, as this is another style that compliments the rustic interior.

A summary

Ideas for decorating a rustic interior design-7 ideas for decorating a rustic interior design

The term “modern rustic” has generally been referred to as “buzz” by many individuals and interior designers. However, there are a large number of people who have decided very much in favor of the rustic interior style. The big key is to use a more open floor plan as well as architectural elements that are both exposed and preserved, paired with modern-style furniture. The color scheme itself is pretty straightforward, and the large windows in these rooms help bring more outside space inside.

Southwestern style

Southwestern style homes usually have the following types of influences:

  • Spanish
  • Mexican
  • Native American

Interiors constructed in this style typically include features such as earthy color schemes, vibrant textiles, and handcrafted items. Some of the most popular materials used on surfaces such as countertops, floors and walls include clay and / or ceramic tiles that are entirely hand-painted. Color schemes in this particular style usually include green, tone red, and desert neutrals, all of which can be accented with strokes of orange, turquoise, and yellow.

Country style

This particular style has the following characteristics:

  • Simple pieces of furniture
  • Muted color schemes
  • Accessories down to earth
  • Vintage style textiles

Color schemes in this type of environment tend to be more subdued and “worn out” in nature. One of the most common styles that is widely used in the country style is the cottage chic style.

Log cabin / lodge style

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This style is mainly found in various hotels and resorts and is viewed more as a “sophisticated log cabin look”. It is evident that these houses were built from logs that were both fully shaved and tailored to frame both the interior walls and the exterior of the house. Exposed logs and beams are an important design feature in terms of rustic style.

western style

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The western style of furnishing is closely linked to nature. Typically, you can find the following elements in such interiors:

  • horseshoe
  • Horse saddles
  • antler

The most common materials used in this environment are leather (which is used for furniture upholstery), weathered wood, and metal.

Farmhouse style

Ideas for decorating a rustic interior design 10 ideas for decorating a rustic interior design

These interiors are more intended for someone looking for a family-friendly and comfortable environment. It is also a style that combines other “rural” interior styles such as French, Italian, English and American.

A conclusion

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Perhaps the greatest advantage of designing your house in a rustic style is the comfort and the resulting “lived” feeling. Finding a house that can be designed in a rustic way is very easy, especially with the abundance of textures and colors, as well as furniture that is warm and soft in nature. Without a doubt, you will immediately feel at home if you use the rustic furnishing style for your space.