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Creating an outdoor oasis in your yard

Creating an outdoor oasis in your yard

What would you do with hot summer nights if it weren’t for the garden you love so much? Backyards are fantastic and can be used for all kinds of activities: cooking, playing, relaxing, or even partying. Don’t you think it’s time to pay a little more attention to the backyard?

Let us tell you how:

Decks and patios

Creating an Outdoor Oasis in Your Garden5 Creating an Outdoor Oasis in Your GardenImage source: Rolling Landscapes Inc.

The size of the outdoor area you reserve does not matter. It all comes down to having one at all. It can either be a deck or a terrace – both are ideal starting points and have many requirements to look like oases.

Decks and patios are more than appealing additions – they add value to your home and are perfect for gathering and easy maintenance.

You don’t have to renovate it often and you can outfit it with reused parts, making it the most affordable outdoor solution you can imagine.

Durable and comfortable furniture

Creating an Outdoor Oasis in Your Garden Create an outdoor oasis in your gardenImage source: Influence rooms

Bring a piece of home outside and make people feel welcome and relaxed from the moment they approach your home. It doesn’t need magic, all you need is good furniture and an even better imagination.

Setting up outdoor spaces is more fun than usual because you have unlimited options and ideas. You can settle for a classic wood option or add sophistication with wrought metals.

It is very popular these days to focus on longevity, which means you should sacrifice some of your evergreen ideas for waterproof synthetic furniture.

Fortunately, this one comes in all shapes and styles too, and you can easily customize it to match the theme you’ve implemented in it.

In terms of lighting, we recommend turning to waterproof options: there are plenty of stylish lamps that will suit your decor and will last for years as they are not prone to damage.

Color is your friend

Creating an Outdoor Oasis in Your Garden11 Creating an Outdoor Oasis in Your GardenImage source: Paradise Restored Landscaping & Exterior Design

You can either gasp for breath whatever! and choose a parched concrete slab for your patio or take matters into your own hands and create a place that you will truly enjoy.

The links to an oasis terrace are bold and playful colors, which is why you shouldn’t be afraid to implement even the bravest ideas of your palette.

Assuming your furniture is traditionally neutral and calm, you can revive the ambience with bright pillows and patterned carpets, or update any element you want with vibrant pops and accessories.

Given that terraces are typical of warm regions, such could always use blues and purples to relax the atmosphere and create a calm, beach-like feel.

As soon as autumn comes, you can simply switch up the pillows and accessories and switch to a warm scheme of browns and yellows. Easy isn’t it?

The importance of privacy

Creating an Outdoor Oasis in Your Garden 1 Create an outdoor oasis in your gardenImage source: Apex Landscapes & Pools

Unless your house is within a 2-mile radius (you’re in luck!), You should consider privacy issues so you can relax better.

Your terrace is your personal haven and you don’t have to let unwanted views disturb your peaceful summer nights. If privacy fencing is out of the question, we recommend an awning, canopy, or a more natural selection of trellises with blooming vines.

Those of you most affected might even consider building half walls or light roofs to make the place private without completely isolating it. Your privacy solution will most likely be your sun exposure too, so you can get more creative and choose an adjustable pergola adapted to the season.

Illuminated nights

Creating an Outdoor Oasis in Your Garden 3 Create an outdoor oasis in your gardenImage source: The Pool Craft Company

Why should you go in after sunset? In the evening the inner courtyards are even better and turn into cozy areas for pleasant conversations and a romantic atmosphere.

For this reason, you should think about lighting fixtures and choose those that are best suited for the original purpose of your patio. If you want a romantic nest, hang up some fairy lights in different colors or put scented candles around the perimeter.

If you can, build a small pit or fireplace to provide cozy light and warmth at the same time. What could be nicer than cuddling up by the fireplace with a glass of good Merlots? Hmm … maybe just a happy campfire with toasted marshmallows!

Music is your most relaxing asset

It doesn’t have to be the best of all terraces – if the atmosphere is pleasant, you’ll take advantage of every available moment to get there. A good terrace should relieve stress and make you feel like you’re on vacation.

Relaxing in a relaxing oasis is an essential part of homing, especially if you have a fast-paced lifestyle that leaves no place to sit and relax. To feel better, you should enrich the moment with good music. Imagine: The fireplace, the wine and the sound of your favorite song caress the air around you. How great is that?

You will have no problem finding a good speaker system for your patio. The choice is huge and you can decide whether you want wireless speakers (available in all shapes and colors) or a suitable stereo system.

The first option is better because it is more durable and, in most cases, waterproof. A good alternative for speaker systems are water features that help suppress external noise.

Green is always welcome

Creating an Outdoor Oasis in Your Garden6 Creating an Outdoor Oasis in Your GardenImage source: Wheat landscape

It doesn’t have to mean planting a tree and building around it, but you should decorate with few plants either way.

Remember that you are still outside and your patio needs to be as close to real time as possible. With this in mind, a garden tree above the fence is not enough to cover the lack of patio pots.

Why do you need these plants? First, they soften the environment and make the place look fresher and more beautiful. You can go for flowering grapevines, containers / small pots of brightly colored flowers, hanging baskets or many similar options that are really easy on your budget given the charm they offer.

The power of water

Creating an Outdoor Oasis in Your Garden10 Creating an Outdoor Oasis in Your GardenImage source: Vanguard Studio Inc.

Those of you who enjoy relaxing or doing yoga and meditation know that there is nothing “more zen” than listening to the sound of water being grabbed. Water features have incredible relaxing power and are not difficult to install.

Of course, you’re not expected to go overboard with Victorian cargoes, but a small, splashing fountain can really do the job. If this is what you’re really into, do great bubble projects and build your own ponds with lilies and bridges. Looks good, sounds good – win win!

Advice for barbecue fans

Creating an Outdoor Oasis in Your Garden 9 Creating an Outdoor Oasis in Your GardenImage source: Derviss design

A large garden without a grill that can “feed” the entire neighborhood is unjustifiable! A good grill is a must, not only for meeting friends, but also for pleasant family meals.

The spectrum is wide again and we encourage you to consult local suppliers to find out which grill is best for you.

The grill zone can be enriched with fancy kitchen appliances such as compact refrigerators, vintage cabinets, stone seats, etc.

Outside showers are cool

Creating an Outdoor Oasis in Your Garden8 Creating an Outdoor Oasis in Your GardenImage source: Zorzi

If you have a pool in your yard, or even a simple waterfall, a shower is a great addition. It’s not just about having the coolest garden around, it’s also about keeping your pool water clean.

So remove all lotions and perfumes before you dive in, and remove chlorine and tanning oils once you are out and about.

Hot tubs and spas are even cooler

Creating an Outdoor Oasis in Your Backyard 7 Creating an Outdoor Oasis in Your BackyardImage source: Hursthouse landscape architects and contractors

Even if you don’t have a pool, installing a hot tub or spa on your deck is a mandatory addition to relaxing in the summer.

Choose the best location (private, exposed to the sun and positioned near the entrance) and entrust the project to a reliable contractor.

Ideally, you should get a round tub that is 6 feet in diameter and 30 square feet total. Rectangular tubs are beautiful too, but you will need about 48 square feet to hold the standard tubs.

Don’t forget to provide seating and walking space around the tub.

Before doing anything, think about the purpose

Creating an Outdoor Oasis in Your Garden2 Create an outdoor oasis in your gardenImage source: Shapiro Didway

Why create an outdoor oasis in your garden? What do you need it for If there is a place for you and your family, make it as relaxing and comfortable as possible. Include all the features you need (cooking utensils, fun tools, dining room seating, etc) and get ready to enjoy!

The idea is to focus on one structure and invest all of your design efforts to achieve it. If you can’t make up your mind, be aware that we don’t recommend equipping backyards for multiple purposes, only a few specially designated ones.